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One line summary of your issue
[3.3.2] d_balata Not Included in custom_portuguese Region, Preventing Some Suebi Conversion

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
As in the title, the recently-added d_balata (Lisboa/Balata) was not included in the custom_portuguese (North-West Iberia localised) region. This region does include the duchies of Beja and Algarve, showing the intent for all of modern Portugal and Galicia be included in the region. The provinces themselves do not begin Suebi, and the ruler is not Suebi either, but given just north of it is a Suebi area that is ruled by wrong-culture wrong-religion, it's not entirely impossible that a Suebi ruler could end up ruling the area, given being ruled by wrong-culture wrong-religion, and the Suebi culture enduring throughout the game in the single duchy, while the remainder of the realm flips Portuguese.

The conditions for the Suebi to Portuguese are merely that the province be Suebi, not Muslim, the owner be Portuguese or the province be in the region, no holding being nomad, and the year being after 850. The edge case exists where a Suebi ruler could form Portugal, move their capital to Lisboa (the de jure capital), have the province convert, and remain Suebi infinitely, despite the event clearly intending the entirety of Suebi culture to convert to Portuguese.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Open Crusader Kings 2\map\geographical region.txt
Line 297

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