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Gouverneur van Torkia
41 Badges
Aug 1, 2018
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One line summary of your issue
[3.3] Reformed pagan holy order holder is Catholic

Game Version
3.3 [XDSW]

What expansions do you have installed?
Jade Dragon,
Sons of Abraham,
The Old Gods,
Legacy of Rome,
Sword of Islam,
Holy Fury

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
The holy order establishment event for pagan (SoA.2309, SoA.2409...) is somehow broken.
The new pagan holy order owner is not religion they should be.
These events uses "unsafe_religion" ReligionEffect introduced in patch 3.3, is buggy here.
Revert "unsafe_religion" to "religion" and everything would be fine.(As second screenshot, I did a makeshift fix for myself)

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Reform a pagan religion, wait until holy order establishment event. And check religion of the holder. It is always Catholic.

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As you say appears to be caused by "unsafe_religion" which got added in 3.3.
All kind of non-abrahamic faiths orders are affected.

Could be intended for this patch fix
- Blocked members of Holy Orders from numerous converting religion decisions.

Likely refering to mass conversions, though shouldn't that only affect vassalised orders ?
Do tribals usualy actually vassalise their orders ?

but thankfuly there is also this
- Unqualified leaders of Holy Orders are regularly cleaned out should they've converted since they joined.

Still the orders on creation being catholic shouldn't be the case.
Simple as that.

Ironically the clean-out fix makes the first quoted fix from patch 3.3 a little superfluous, while apparently causing the issue we discuss...
Though the first likely targets all, while the second only the leader. Hmm....true too.
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Steps to reproduce the issue.
Reform a pagan religion, wait until holy order establishment event. And check religion of the holder. It is always Catholic.

A question i got left, have you actually exeprienced that in a normal game
or have you fired the order events yourself
or were their capitals in catholic provinces ?

I ask as it appeard to me the order wil have the religion of the character i play when i fired the events
manually via console.

So as a Rurik of Novgorod i got a norse Lords of the Sky, who should be tengri, while the order turned up orthodox when playing as an orthodox.
So i wonder two things more or less based on above questions.
If you fired those events yourself or if the order will take the religion of the province or the liege of it where their capital is in.
A question i got left, have you actually exeprienced that in a normal game
or have you fired the order events yourself
I leave them triggered naturally, so I'm not sure it is province related or not.
But these events are trigger from a religion head, classic
controls_religion = yes # Let it happen for the Pope - he's always around
So I guess there's nothing to do with provinces.
Also, see a thread here.

Ironically the clean-out fix makes the first quoted fix from patch 3.3 a little superfluous, while apparently causing the issue we discuss...
Though the first likely targets all, while the second only the leader. Hmm....true too.
I can understand whole devs are busy with the damn new heir and QA is probably busy as hell. I won't blame them, REALLY.
Do tribals usualy actually vassalise their orders ?

I know I do. I don't know about other players or the AI. IMO unless you're doing NK mode there's no compelling reason to NOT vassalise them and a great incentive (cheap 9100 troops) to do so.