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11 Badges
Nov 16, 2018
  • Crusader Kings II: Way of Life
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  • Crusader Kings II: Holy Fury
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  • Crusader Kings II: The Republic
  • Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham
One line summary of your issue
Brawny does apply to character after dialogue box says "you are now brawny"

Game Version
Version Number: 3.3.0 (YDSW)

What expansions do you have installed?

Way of Life,
Sons of Abraham,
The Old Gods,
The Republic,
Legacy of Rome

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
When playing any ruler with the hunting focus, the event that pops up to give me the brawny trait appears after "the white stag eludes me" but does not give me the brawny trait. When not playing Ironman, I can just console command to give myself brawny, but while in Ironman I do not get the benefit for keeping the hunting focus for a long time and picking up "Brawny". This has happened on multiple rulers and for the first time it has happened while in Ironman mode.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Hunting focus with character
2. Take hunting focus with "the white stag eludes me" hunts for a while.
3. Go on lots of event hunts (non paying 25 gold)
4. Dialogue box appears to say after so many successful or not successful hunts to say you now have brawny.
5. Click the box to gain brawny but the trait does not appear on character.

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Disclaimer: I'm just another forum member

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
When playing any ruler with the hunting focus, the event that pops up to give me the brawny trait appears after "the white stag eludes me" but does not give me the brawny trait. When not playing Ironman, I can just console command to give myself brawny, but while in Ironman I do not get the benefit for keeping the hunting focus for a long time and picking up "Brawny". This has happened on multiple rulers and for the first time it has happened while in Ironman mode.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Hunting focus with character
2. Take hunting focus with "the white stag eludes me" hunts for a while.
3. Go on lots of event hunts (non paying 25 gold)
4. Dialogue box appears to say after so many successful or not successful hunts to say you now have brawny.
5. Click the box to gain brawny but the trait does not appear on character.

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It's a random chance of 20 only to get.
See the event inside the spoiler.

The bug is the lack of information in the event text, as in many other events, of it only being a chance,
thus the confusion of the player in the end.

For me a typical and pretty annoying Paradox UI issue.
Alternatively one shouldn't see it in the first place when one doesn't get it or get a follow up event text saying
something along the lines of " It was a great experience, but didn't gain anything of value in the end" or such.
That would be the logical thing to do in the UI, but hey...

hint: brawny = robust
# Gets lost in the wilderness, good experience
character_event = {
   id = WoL.5050
   picture = GFX_evt_fishing
   border = GFX_event_normal_frame_war

   is_triggered_only = yes
   desc = EVTDESC_WoL_5050
   option = {
       name = EVTOPTA_WoL_5050
       if = {
           limit = {
               trait = slothful
           remove_trait = slothful
       if = {
           limit = {
               is_strong_trigger = no
               is_weak_trigger = no
           random = {
               chance = 20
               add_trait = robust
       if = {
           limit = { is_weak_trigger = yes }
           random = {
               chance = 20
               remove_trait = weak
               remove_trait = feeble
       if = {
           limit = {
               has_character_flag = white_stag
               NOT = { has_character_modifier = hunting_white_stag }
           add_character_modifier = {
               name = hunting_white_stag
               duration = -1
       if = {
           limit = {
               has_character_flag = white_bear
               NOT = { has_character_modifier = hunting_white_bear }
           add_character_modifier = {
               name = hunting_white_bear
               duration = -1
       if = {
           limit = {
               has_character_flag = white_tiger
               NOT = { has_character_modifier = hunting_white_tiger }
           add_character_modifier = {
               name = hunting_white_tiger
               duration = -1
       if = {
           limit = {
               has_character_flag = white_lion
               NOT = { has_character_modifier = hunting_white_lion }
           add_character_modifier = {
               name = hunting_white_lion
               duration = -1
       hidden_tooltip = { character_event = { id = WoL.5062 days = 5 } }
       hidden_tooltip = { character_event = { id = WoL.5002 days = 365 random = 1000 } }
Last edited:
This makes so much more sense now! I was unaware that it was a 20% chance to gain the trait. I didn't get a screen shot at the time but the text does not say anything about a % chance to gain it, it just says "you gain it".

I appreciate you digging into the code and finding out. I will endeavor to look into the code if I find something else of that nature popping up in the future or just keep trying to google fu/research it further. I thought I had come across a serious bug lol. :p
.... I thought I had come across a serious bug lol. :p

Kind of.
If it helps, for me it is a serious bug and still hope, despite not realy believing it, that they will fix this, as in several other events like it.

I'd prefer to simply not get the fake implication and option of a trait addded, in the case that i don't actually get it.
It's just not how this should work.
First have a run of the event, then the event result gets displayed to the player.

Who knows, maybe Paradox will surprise us. :)