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Charlatan or Mystic?
86 Badges
Apr 30, 2002
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One line summary of your issue
Byzantine Crown

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
After refounding and reforming the Hellenic religion restored the Roman Empire. My character became Roman Emperor, and got Byzantine Empire as a titular title.

He died soon afterwards, his son inheriting. The Byzantine Empire title had disappeared and 'become inactive', so could not be re-established. And the crown of office only allows the Byzantine Emperor to wear it, not the Roman one! He now has to wear a kingly crown, like a chump. Shenanigans!

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Load as Byzantine Emperor.
cheat Roman Emperor decision.
cheat a son as heir.
Check titles, look at crown longingly, and cry.

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I am astounded. WHY is it intended that the character who has the crown should nullify that crown for his descendants, without replacing it with another crown?

This is really bad design. It feels super weird and gamey, and would not at all happen if this had happened. What weird reason does my character refuse to wear the crown, or what weird reason do my vassals refuse to recognize it? The Byzantine Empire always claimed to BE Rome. What has magically made my crown into a doorstop?
I am astounded. WHY is it intended that the character who has the crown should nullify that crown for his descendants, without replacing it with another crown?

This is really bad design. It feels super weird and gamey, and would not at all happen if this had happened. What weird reason does my character refuse to wear the crown, or what weird reason do my vassals refuse to recognize it? The Byzantine Empire always claimed to BE Rome. What has magically made my crown into a doorstop?

apparently its meant to be replaced with the laurel wreath you get on your portrait as Emperor/Empress
apparently its meant to be replaced with the laurel wreath you get on your portrait as Emperor/Empress

In that case it should replace it with a physical object, like 'Imperial Laurel', which gives prestige or something. I mean, it doesn't prevent you from wearing any other crowns you may have accumulated (in my case I have a 3 artifact crown I bought earlier when i was a king), so it's absurd to replace just the one with nothing. The effect is not 'wear a laurel'; it's literally 'stop being able to use this one particular crown'. I could use an African mask for all the game cares or is able to plan for, and it isn't in the game code to prevent a certain character from wearing hats (nor, probably, should it be, except possibly for a horse or the like). In my own case I am my own Pontifex Maximus, which takes precedence over Rome anyhow, so I don't see the laurels regardless. And society titles seem to also take precedence.

Add to that that
a) you are left with the physical object in your inventory, taunting you with its gamey unusability, and
b) you cannot do anything useful with that object, nor apparently can anyone else ever for the rest of the game (since the title cannot be created after Rome is recreated, from what it seems to suggest, though i haven't searched the files thoroughly)

and I cannot see this as a best solution way to handle this idea. Also, why is the game penalizing someone for an extreme stretch goal in the first place?

"Here, work at this particular task, and once you succeed at it, suffer a random negative because we want you to visually wear laurels"

The more logical (and less goofy, frankly) way to work it would have the crown work for byzantine/roman emperor only, and then write precedence into the visual display that laurels from being roman emperor trump any other headwear