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44 Badges
Feb 8, 2014
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One line summary of your issue
cant attack mercenary band with holy war over water

Game Version

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
cant attack mercenary band with holy war over water even though they are a different religion (romuva) and even through i can attack Muslims overseas

Steps to reproduce the issue.

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uhhhhhhh.... I thought mercenaries that inherited land stopped being mercenaries. Are you sure Captain isn't the name of the Leader of the Chosen of Perkunas (Reformed Romuvan Holy Order, my guess based on him having the Forest Ambusher trait and you saying he's Romuvan) and that he's not just the leader of a holy order?

Also, I assume you're Catholic, but if you somehow managed to become a reformed pagan with the Peaceful Doctrine, Jain, or Taoist while Emperor of France, kudos to you, but you can't declare holy wars while being one of those religions.

Apparently, if you're preparing a Reconquista, you can't declare a holy war (also can't if you're in a reconquista war, but you're not at war).

The only other possible thing I can think of that's mentioned on the wiki:
"If your religion views an independent ruler as "infidel" or "heretic", you can declare a religious war against that ruler for a duchy."
Did the Romuvans reform with the Cosmopolitan Nature?

Final note, despite claiming that you have all expansions in the bug report, you seem to be missing Jade Dragon from your badges. It's *probably* not relevant, but does help Paradox when isolating bugs.