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Can't commit matrilinial Marriages at all
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The button for matrilinial marriages doesn't exist in my current play-through No mods and this only happened recently. I was running a merchant republic with king level titles for scotland ireland and wales but recently around the same time I created the empire of Britannia I lost the ability to do matrilinial marriages no matter if they are nobles from feudals tribals or the males are even lowborn. There is simply no option to marry women matrilinially no matter their rank or government type.
I understand that republics should be restricted in their marriages, but I think this is a glitch on the basis that landed feudal females must marry patrilinially even to lowborn males by me.
Not game breaking but annoying. I had a system where the daughters of landed feudal members of my dynasty were invited and married off matrilinially by me to produce more unlanded males for merchant posts. RIP 57 Trade posts in 1009
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Is on ironman but it's also ongoing. Have restarted multple times and all times this is the case
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Can't commit matrilinial Marriages at all
Game Version
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All of the above
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
The button for matrilinial marriages doesn't exist in my current play-through No mods and this only happened recently. I was running a merchant republic with king level titles for scotland ireland and wales but recently around the same time I created the empire of Britannia I lost the ability to do matrilinial marriages no matter if they are nobles from feudals tribals or the males are even lowborn. There is simply no option to marry women matrilinially no matter their rank or government type.
I understand that republics should be restricted in their marriages, but I think this is a glitch on the basis that landed feudal females must marry patrilinially even to lowborn males by me.
Not game breaking but annoying. I had a system where the daughters of landed feudal members of my dynasty were invited and married off matrilinially by me to produce more unlanded males for merchant posts. RIP 57 Trade posts in 1009
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Is on ironman but it's also ongoing. Have restarted multple times and all times this is the case
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