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Mar 20, 2019
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One line summary of your issue
Can't go into seclusion during the plague

Game Version
3.3.4 (SOHY)

What expansions do you have installed?
Jade Dragon, Monks & Mystics, The Reapers Due, Conclave, Horse Lords, Way of Life, Charlemagne, Rajas of India, Sons of Abraham, The Old Gods, The Republic, Legacy of Rome, Sword of Islam, Holy Fury

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
As the summary states.
I'm unable to enter seclusion with my court. No events or character modifiers seems to be the reason. Some of my vassals have already gone into seclusion, so I'm ruling out any potential religious or cultural reasons as well. No laws that I'm aware off could be preventing me from doing it, so I'm at a complete loss.

I've played over a thousand hours in this game and would never even allow the plague to get close to me before secluding myself, let alone be standing out in the open like a dumbass and loose my progress due to character death (gathereing bloodlines). I feel like I'm being punished due to no fault of my own (I'm irrationally angry atm). I know the RNG of the game can be unforgiving at times but I've never been outright refused the option to seclude myself before now. I am therefore concluding that this most be the result of a bug.

I'm not expecting much but if possible I'd like to have my character "King Valto of Suomi" and his spouse "Queen Kaarina of Suomi" saved (remove the plague from them). This is my first ever bug report so I hope you have what you need and can forgive any potential mistakes I've made. Again I'm not expecting you to be able to do anything in order to save my game.

But for now I think I'm pretty much done with ck2 for a while, because this was literally game breaking for me.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
I'm unsure how to do so, or if it is a bug at all.

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