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Lycrist Katkiller

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Feb 9, 2017
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One line summary of your issue
Childhood traits keep evolving twice

Game Version

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
for a while now, childhood- traits keep evolving twice when the child turn 16.
For example (but it happens all the time to me)
She got curious as last childhood-trait
Steps to reproduce the issue.
It happens to me all the time when a kid turns 16 and still got a childhood trait left. Maybe the last trait should evolve earlier. It's also quite annoying if they are fuzzy or conscientious and you turn them into diligent after their education is over...

To reproduce here: load and wait, however you might wanna try to assign a different guardian who can not interview (or get rid of patient by going beserker)

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I think this bug was introduced in patch 2.8.2 with the addition of ZE.40000. When the educator (or child) is a player, ZE.40000 runs while there's already an event window up for the player to make a decision on the childhood trait.

Possible fixes:

A) Modify ZE.13000 (etc) to remove Haughty (etc) earlier, before the event window is displayed. This would change the appearance of the event window so it might not be the best approach.
B) Modify ZE.13000 (etc) to also run for incapable children: move the 'is capable' check to the educator intervention part. Remove ZE.40000.
C) Modify ZE.40000 to only run for incapable children