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One line summary of your issue
CK II - 3.3.4 - Emperor of the offmap Chinese Empire can't get bloodlines correctly

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
When a new emperor ascends to the dragon throne, the new emperor can't get bloodlines correctly.
And at the beginning of the game, if the emperor should have bloodline, his bloodline will be displayed normally. But when he dies, the new emperor will not have any bloodline.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
I tried to kill the current emperor, let the game automatically create a new emperor, the new emperor(The son of the former Emperor) did not inherit the blood of Temujin.

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EMF v10.1 has solved the problem by a new event emf_china.0 (emf_china.txt)
# -*- ck2.events -*-

namespace = emf_china

# emf_china.0 - Event that fixes bloodlines and heritable traits upon offmap succession
character_event = {
    id = emf_china.0

    hide_window = yes

    has_dlc = "Jade Dragon"

    is_triggered_only = yes
    offmap = only

    trigger = {
        is_offmap_tag = offmap_china
        dynasty = FROM # Assume that new ruler is always an offspring of previous ruler if dynasty does not change
    immediate = {
        if = {
            limit = {
                FROM = {
                    OR = {
                        trait = saoshyant
                        trait = saoshyant_descendant
            add_trait = saoshyant_descendant
        if = {
            limit = {
                FROM = {
                    trait = sayyid
            if = {
                limit = {
                    FROM = {
                        is_female = no
                add_trait = sayyid
            else = {
                add_trait = mirza
        FROM = {
            any_owned_bloodline = {
                add_bloodline_member = ROOT # This is a bit iffy because bloodline inheritance type is not checked, but I have not found a way to check for it in the documentation, so it will do for now
This event will be triggered when the emperor changes (on_actions.txt)
on_offmap_ruler_changed = {
    events = {
        emf_china.0 # Fix for inheritable traits and bloodlines