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Jan 1, 2015
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One line summary of your issue
Ck2 3.3.0 - Formed HRE as a nomad, main camp dissapeared

Game Version
3.3.0 (XDSW)

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Started an Ironman campaign on a random world, for the "What could have been" achievement, on the 769 bookmark with most randomizer options turned back to historical. I choose to play as a visigothic catholic horde, and basically owned (most) of western europe fairly quickly. The form HRE desicion popped up and at first I didn't think much of it and decided to continue playing. Now I'm ten years or so from getting the achievement and decided to try forming the hre. First thing I noticed is that my nomad camp no longer existed, and my capital moved to a random barony in my realm. The game no longer knew what to do about the other nomadic clans, as I seemed to be stuck in a Nomadic-but-also-Feudal limbo. My population and manpower are stuck at 0, I can't build anything besides temples, and the "Settle as Tribal/Feudal/Merchant in X" desicions seem to be gone as well

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Any nomadic empire that gets the form hre decision should suffice (In other words Catholic, in western europe). In my case, my randomized world created a horde with those caracteristics right from the bat, but this could potentially happen with normal settings. I pressume this is caused by the "(Current Empire) is forfeit" as nomads shouldn't normally lose the Empire-Horde title

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