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Apr 3, 2020
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One line summary of your issue
(ck2)(3.3.2)Aztexs showed up but aren't invading

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I have sunset invasion installed. The aztecs showed up, and all the popups have happened to go along with the sunset invasion... Except they're just chilling in boats or standing around. I was hoping for them to invade and shake things up. Does anyone know how to start their invasion and fix this?

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Here's your problem:

You might notice that the Catholics don't really exist. For whatever reason (which is probably a bug) the Sunset Invasion generally likes to leave non-Christians alone when they begin their Invasion (although I thought that they used to attack Muslims as well). It's a shame that it works this way, but you're out of luck, I'm afraid.
If there are any catholic claimants left for england, ireland, scotland, etc, you could land one of them, then press their claim. You'd lose the land you give them unless you give them a kingdom title before pressing their claim, but the invasion should trigger on them.
Of note, the Aztecs landed off Iceland and Brittany. I'll test to see if there are some claimants I could use to trigger it. But I was also curious in regards to this section of code. By my understanding, the and gate on
FROM = {
NOT = { religion_group = pagan_group } # Should subjugate these instead

Should make it so even though the aztecs want to invade they try to subjugate instead. Would adjusting it to something like

FROM = {
NOT = { religion_group = pagan_group } # Should subjugate these instead
aztec religion

The origin of the spot is here. I don't know the exact way to write out the changes , but I have a feeling
(Original Part)
OR = {
AND = {
has_dlc = "Horse Lords"
higher_tier_than = COUNT
OR = {
has_character_flag = horde_invader
AND = {
independent = yes
religion_group = pagan_group
OR = {
culture_group = altaic
culture_group = magyar
culture_group = mesoamerican
FROM = {
NOT = { religion_group = pagan_group } # Should subjugate these instead
OR = {
is_tribal = yes
primary_title = {
has_law = succ_elective_gavelkind
has_landed_title = e_mongol_empire
has_landed_title = e_mexikha