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CKII - 3.3 (XDSW) - Hired Mercs spawn in Merc Capital, not my Capital
Game Version
3.3 (XDSW)
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
If I hire mercs while an enemy is sieging my capital, the mercs are supposed to spawn in a county adjacent to my capital.
However, if the mercs happened to be from a different religious group, they instead spawn in their merc capital instead, which might be dozens of provinces away. This leads to me spending large amounts of gold on troops that likely won't reach my realm before the war is decided, and not leaving me enough gold to hire any other mercenary band.
Please investigate why the religion of the merc captain would prevent them from spawning nearby as intended.
Save and screenshots are attached. This bug report was made from the following thread:
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Start as the 769 Count of Ostfriesland.
2. Wait for Pagan Saxony to attack you.
3. Wait for their army to start sieging your capital.
4. Borrow 300 gold from the Jews, and hire the Finnish Band, Sami Band, or the Lithuanian Band. All of them will spawn on the Baltic Coast instead of in a county next to your realm.
5. If you try this with any of the other available merc bands in 769 Europe (they are all Catholic or Orthodox), they will spawn in the county Friesland instead, which is adjacent to your realm.
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CKII - 3.3 (XDSW) - Hired Mercs spawn in Merc Capital, not my Capital
Game Version
3.3 (XDSW)
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
If I hire mercs while an enemy is sieging my capital, the mercs are supposed to spawn in a county adjacent to my capital.
However, if the mercs happened to be from a different religious group, they instead spawn in their merc capital instead, which might be dozens of provinces away. This leads to me spending large amounts of gold on troops that likely won't reach my realm before the war is decided, and not leaving me enough gold to hire any other mercenary band.
Please investigate why the religion of the merc captain would prevent them from spawning nearby as intended.
Save and screenshots are attached. This bug report was made from the following thread:
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Start as the 769 Count of Ostfriesland.
2. Wait for Pagan Saxony to attack you.
3. Wait for their army to start sieging your capital.
4. Borrow 300 gold from the Jews, and hire the Finnish Band, Sami Band, or the Lithuanian Band. All of them will spawn on the Baltic Coast instead of in a county next to your realm.
5. If you try this with any of the other available merc bands in 769 Europe (they are all Catholic or Orthodox), they will spawn in the county Friesland instead, which is adjacent to your realm.
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