One line summary of your issue
Counties revolting with effectively less than 0% revolt risk
Game Version
3.2.1 [AZCE]
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I've seen this for a while, but it's getting tiresome, especially since my realm is massive. Peasant revolts are an annoyance, sure, but it's worse when you're trying to stomp out heresies and such in counties that are at risk, and then you get a revolt in a county that has a less than 0% effective chance of revolt. Why does this even happen? The county is prospering, the peasants are happy, I've recently crushed another revolt...and then they decide to have a futile peasant revolt and I have to stand up armies AGAIN and squash it.
Peasant revolts should only happen in counties that have a greater than 0% effective chance of revolt. It's not something that should just spontaneously occur.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Get a massive, world-spanning realm. Wait. It'll happen eventually.
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Counties revolting with effectively less than 0% revolt risk
Game Version
3.2.1 [AZCE]
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I've seen this for a while, but it's getting tiresome, especially since my realm is massive. Peasant revolts are an annoyance, sure, but it's worse when you're trying to stomp out heresies and such in counties that are at risk, and then you get a revolt in a county that has a less than 0% effective chance of revolt. Why does this even happen? The county is prospering, the peasants are happy, I've recently crushed another revolt...and then they decide to have a futile peasant revolt and I have to stand up armies AGAIN and squash it.
Peasant revolts should only happen in counties that have a greater than 0% effective chance of revolt. It's not something that should just spontaneously occur.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Get a massive, world-spanning realm. Wait. It'll happen eventually.
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