One line summary of your issue
CTD during Loading
Game Version
3.2.0 (KILL)
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
After today's update i tried to play ck2, but I can't actually get into the game. During the loading phase i get to Loading graphics and then CTD. I tried updating my graphics driver but still CTD. I tried with mods(none graphical in nature) and without. I have all dlcs but 5 music ones, and the only one not activated is the EU4 converter. I deleted the settings text and tried again. Same issue.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Attempted to get into the game 6 times, always crash at Loading Graphics.
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CTD during Loading
Game Version
3.2.0 (KILL)
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
After today's update i tried to play ck2, but I can't actually get into the game. During the loading phase i get to Loading graphics and then CTD. I tried updating my graphics driver but still CTD. I tried with mods(none graphical in nature) and without. I have all dlcs but 5 music ones, and the only one not activated is the EU4 converter. I deleted the settings text and tried again. Same issue.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Attempted to get into the game 6 times, always crash at Loading Graphics.
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