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Delayed Wonder Bonus Application on Load
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Upon loading a save, I noticed that my castles and 1 city in my capital are always missing troops. In that county I have a Grand Fortress built with the Watchtower Network and Armory upgrades. I have noticed that my levy amounts are always equal to what it would be without those upgrades (ie base amount * (bonuses - wonder bonuses)). This always happens on game load, as even using the pagan Inspire Warrior power before saving doesn't let me have the correct amount of troops. This also affected a Great Harbour's +50% galleys upgrade as well
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Build a wonder with upgrades that add levy troops. Save and reload.
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Delayed Wonder Bonus Application on Load
Game Version
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Upon loading a save, I noticed that my castles and 1 city in my capital are always missing troops. In that county I have a Grand Fortress built with the Watchtower Network and Armory upgrades. I have noticed that my levy amounts are always equal to what it would be without those upgrades (ie base amount * (bonuses - wonder bonuses)). This always happens on game load, as even using the pagan Inspire Warrior power before saving doesn't let me have the correct amount of troops. This also affected a Great Harbour's +50% galleys upgrade as well
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Build a wonder with upgrades that add levy troops. Save and reload.
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