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Dec 17, 2018
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One line summary of your issue
Duchies of Lisboa and Algarve not added to De Jure Portugal after 'Create Portugal' Decision

Game Version

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All of the above

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
When creating Portugal via decision, extra duchies are added to the De Jure Title if they are both owned, and fall under Portugal's historical boundaries. When Lisboa and Algarve as duchies were added to the game in the Iron Century patch, they were not mapped to join Portugal following the 'Create Portugal' decision being selected, resulting in strange De Jure borders for both Portugal and Badajoz once the decision is taken. As both of these duchies are part of De Jure Portugal by the 1337 Start Date, I believe this to be an oversight.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Create a game prior to 1109
2. As a Portuguese-Cultured character, own the duchies of Portucale, Beja, Lisboa, and Algarve
3. Select the 'Create Portugal' Decision

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