One line summary of your issue
Enemy vassal allies do nothing until you take nearby holdings
Game Version
3.2.2 [AZCE] 64-bit beta
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All of the above
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I just waged a war for a large tribal kingdom, pressing the claim of a count. This guy was pretty bordergored and scattered, but there was a large chunk I could take around Sweden. Some of his forces grouped up and started taking my counties, but I noticed that it seemed his vassal ally troops were just sitting around doing nothing with sub 1k stacks all over the place. Okay, I can squish them pretty easily and take counties...oh, now they're moving after I've taken a few counties to try and take them back. Grrrr, march back and splatter them like the insects they are...oh look, another one moving in over there, go get him...rinse and repeat.
This isn't a winning strategy for the enemy. It would be stupid for rulers to leave small, scattered armies laying around, waiting to be fed to my meat grinder. They should be grouping up and fighting or sieging. Instead, the ONLY thing they're doing is annoying the living crap out of the player and prolonging the war. It's nothing but pointless tedium that makes no strategic sense.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
See above.
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Enemy vassal allies do nothing until you take nearby holdings
Game Version
3.2.2 [AZCE] 64-bit beta
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I just waged a war for a large tribal kingdom, pressing the claim of a count. This guy was pretty bordergored and scattered, but there was a large chunk I could take around Sweden. Some of his forces grouped up and started taking my counties, but I noticed that it seemed his vassal ally troops were just sitting around doing nothing with sub 1k stacks all over the place. Okay, I can squish them pretty easily and take counties...oh, now they're moving after I've taken a few counties to try and take them back. Grrrr, march back and splatter them like the insects they are...oh look, another one moving in over there, go get him...rinse and repeat.
This isn't a winning strategy for the enemy. It would be stupid for rulers to leave small, scattered armies laying around, waiting to be fed to my meat grinder. They should be grouping up and fighting or sieging. Instead, the ONLY thing they're doing is annoying the living crap out of the player and prolonging the war. It's nothing but pointless tedium that makes no strategic sense.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
See above.
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