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Event: Intriguing. I guess a little read cannot hurt.
It appears again and again. In my case I'm catholic and secret hellenic. This event spam like hell: Lollard, Orthodox, Fraticeli...
I have chosen all options except open my eyes to the book religion, but the pop ups start again and again and again. Really upsetting.
I think it needs some type of cooldown.
Aside that every time I have more confidence in my own beliefs I get 25 free piety points.
ps: First time reporting and no english native, so sorry if I didnt explain well.
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Event bugged
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Event: Intriguing. I guess a little read cannot hurt.
It appears again and again. In my case I'm catholic and secret hellenic. This event spam like hell: Lollard, Orthodox, Fraticeli...
I have chosen all options except open my eyes to the book religion, but the pop ups start again and again and again. Really upsetting.
I think it needs some type of cooldown.
Aside that every time I have more confidence in my own beliefs I get 25 free piety points.
ps: First time reporting and no english native, so sorry if I didnt explain well.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
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