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Karl Franz

50 Badges
Sep 29, 2014
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One line summary of your issue
Event bugged

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Event: Intriguing. I guess a little read cannot hurt.

It appears again and again. In my case I'm catholic and secret hellenic. This event spam like hell: Lollard, Orthodox, Fraticeli...
I have chosen all options except open my eyes to the book religion, but the pop ups start again and again and again. Really upsetting.

I think it needs some type of cooldown.

Aside that every time I have more confidence in my own beliefs I get 25 free piety points.

ps: First time reporting and no english native, so sorry if I didnt explain well.


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I assume this is MNM.3409. How often are you getting this event? There's supposed to be a 10-year per-target cooldown, but it seems the cooldown doesn't apply if inducting character has a quest...
I didn't rermember if I had a quest from The Hellenes, maybe the "Blend it" mission, but I know I had a lot of secret religion followers (orthodox, fraticelli, and lollard mostly) in my court and vassals. In some moment the pop up with the Intriguing thing appeared and I choose the Hide the book option. After the fraticceli came the lollard and then the other one. In the first rounds I choose Hide, then read it but in the next pop up always staying with my own beliefs (+25 free piety). I even found a catholic bible for my officially catholic character.

I dont't know how this is designed, but I think that my character should have a cooldown for each religion, so if I say no, it have to be: No more this question for the next 1, 2 or x years. But even if this cooldown exists in the other IA characters, even if all my court and vassals would have a cooldown so they only could hide a book in my room every x years, I received a ridicully high number of pop pups.

Not totally related, but it remembers me the Tournament pop up when someone is wound. Choosing one or other option is irrelevant, you will receive all the pop ups about all ppl wounded. In big empires is a little pain in the ass. This is the same story but with no ending.

I will try to kill or arrest so many ppl as I can if the situation is no totally unplayable.


Now it seems fixed. After start again the same game I received a round of the pop up. I say no and it seems the spam stop. But I arrest or kill 4 or 5 characters in the meanwhile, so I don't know if it could be one thing or the other.
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