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Mar 28, 2019
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One line summary of your issue
Game Crashing 3.1.1 (WQTI)

Game Version
3.1.1 (WQTI)

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
TL;DR of my problem as you may have assumed is that my game keeps crashing.

For some background, I was playing as the Abbasids in 1066 to get "The Caliphate Strikes Back" achievement since I thought it'd be fairly simple and fun. For the most part, it's been an enjoyable run. I hadn't played as a Muslim character in a long time so it was a bit of a breath of fresh air, and everything was really tense and I didn't steamroll anyone.

After expanding to a good size, I started to work on exploding the Seljuks, buying favors from all the large vassals. The independence war was fairly easy. I ended up having about double the manpower so I just chased down the army, and the entire country was basically dismantled.

I was getting ready to grab my neighbors, but I saw the "Betrothed Can Marry" notification, so naturally, I clicked it. And then it crashed. At first, I thought that it was the heavy storm outside doing something even though my computer has a backup battery and I wasn't playing online. The game kept crashing when I tried to do anything related to it. For example, I tried going to the character screens of both characters, and that crashed it too.

I decided to just go on with my game and ignore it out of fear, but once I reached October 3rd, 1104 it crashed anyway. If anyone can help me fix this, I'd really appreciate it bc this save has been pretty fun. As it stands, I haven't found any workarounds.

Extra info:
Mod used: Novus Graphicus - Ironman compatible graphics mod, I tried disabling this and the only change was the crash being 10 days later (So honestly the crash could be just a random date since the mod shouldn't affect this)

Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Start the game
2. Load in as the Abbasids
3a. Click "Betrothed can marry"
3b. Play the game on any speed through October
4. The game should crash.

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I've just tried the save and it doesn't crash for me. The game was updated last Tuesday and some mods are no longer compatible, so maybe try disabling them all, checking your file integrity on steam and giving it another try. The save file loaded with achievements disabled for me, saying that it had been changed. I've uploaded my save in case it helps.

By the way, your guy got cancer but an experimental treatment worked, so he should be fine. I also said yes to all proposed betrothals and of course to the "betrothed can marry" notification.


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