One line summary of your issue
CK2 3.2 Game Ended When it Shouldn't of, Character Not Dead & Was Still Landed
Game Version
Patch 3.2
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I was playing an MP game with two other people, and I was playing as a character in the Byzantine Empire.
I was the King of Greece, I directly controlled most provinces that's included within the Kingdom of Greece, and I was a vassal under the Byzantine Empire, and I had a vassal which controlled alot of territory & duchy titles in the Empire, I don't even know how I got that vassal, the primary title of the vassal was the Doux of Abydos.
Before my game abruptly ended I had an heir of my dynasty, and I recently became a public Hellenic follower, and I was waiting for a claim on Rome, but all of a sudden I got the game over screen, there was no character death sounds, my 2 friends also said my character was alive, my heir was alive and both my heir & character was still landed, the Byzantine Emperor "inherited" most of my countys & titles and my character became a vassal of the Doux of Abydos, my former vassal.
I'll try & upload a savefile aswell if I can.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
-Be King of Greece
-Hold alot of territory
-Be a vassal of the Byzantine Empire
-Have a Doux Vassal
-Become openly Hellenic
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CK2 3.2 Game Ended When it Shouldn't of, Character Not Dead & Was Still Landed
Game Version
Patch 3.2
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I was playing an MP game with two other people, and I was playing as a character in the Byzantine Empire.
I was the King of Greece, I directly controlled most provinces that's included within the Kingdom of Greece, and I was a vassal under the Byzantine Empire, and I had a vassal which controlled alot of territory & duchy titles in the Empire, I don't even know how I got that vassal, the primary title of the vassal was the Doux of Abydos.
Before my game abruptly ended I had an heir of my dynasty, and I recently became a public Hellenic follower, and I was waiting for a claim on Rome, but all of a sudden I got the game over screen, there was no character death sounds, my 2 friends also said my character was alive, my heir was alive and both my heir & character was still landed, the Byzantine Emperor "inherited" most of my countys & titles and my character became a vassal of the Doux of Abydos, my former vassal.
I'll try & upload a savefile aswell if I can.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
-Be King of Greece
-Hold alot of territory
-Be a vassal of the Byzantine Empire
-Have a Doux Vassal
-Become openly Hellenic
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