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Headhunter achievment - duelist bloodline
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I've been trying to get the duelist bloodline achievment some months ago right after the release of Holy Fury but I read that it's impossible to get it. After two majors patches and several months of time I thought the issue is fixed but alas that isn't the case. I got the event for the bloodline but no achievment despite running the game on Ironman with the latest patch.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Kill people in duels until you get the event and no achievement.
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Headhunter achievment - duelist bloodline
Game Version
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I've been trying to get the duelist bloodline achievment some months ago right after the release of Holy Fury but I read that it's impossible to get it. After two majors patches and several months of time I thought the issue is fixed but alas that isn't the case. I got the event for the bloodline but no achievment despite running the game on Ironman with the latest patch.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Kill people in duels until you get the event and no achievement.
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