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Oct 18, 2017
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One line summary of your issue
Hospitals should reduce duration of epidemics

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Hospitals delay the spread of epidemics. This is not always good: if you happen to hold a number of counties with hospitals, whenever an epidemic comes by, it sweeps your neighbors and then lingers to your provinces.
The high disease resistance delays the arrival, but also -since the duration is constant- the end of the epidemic. This leads to the fact that having more well developed hospitals can put you in disadvantage with respect to the places that were hit fast and are already recovering, without any hospitals. This is clearly penalizing and illogical.
The easy solution should be that the presence of hospitals should strongly reduce the duration of an active epidemic in the region, or ideally reducing its risk of transmission to troops and characters (this is already half in with the depopulation protection mechanic).
[Edited to clarify text]

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Create some developed hospitals in a small area, surrounded by counties without any at all. Then unleash an epidemic.

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Agreed! Any ideas from the Devs?