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Jan 30, 2011
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One line summary of your issue
Inheritance Crazyness

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All of the above

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Why did the inheritance for my duchy change when I became King of Sweden? Why does the game end for me? I started as a count then a duke and then won the election for King - why would becoming King put me in a position to lose the game? This is the first character in this game. Why would I lose my original titles if I die?

Steps to reproduce the issue.

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  • Ironman_More.ck2
    5,9 MB · Views: 4
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Here it is in another game. All Elective games that I can tell have this bug - it's a HUGE bug. Why has no one else reported it? I started as a Duke (Gavelkind) in K Germany (Elective) in 936 AD. I got elected King and both my duchies auto-converted from Gavelkind into Primogeniture (if THAT part is by design that's a weird design) even though I don't have the tech for that. After a few years there looks to have been an election status change because now it says my game will be over - as the newly elected King will take ALL my titles with them. Note that when I got elected K Germany I also was given D. Franconia for some odd reason. I would expect to lose K Germany if I lose the election for King but why would I also lose my entire demesne and lose the game just from losing the election? Surely my demesne titles which are Primo now should go to my eldest son.


  • Ironman_Bavaria.ck2
    7,3 MB · Views: 5
One observation of significance. Typically, when you are King or Emperor your Ducal titles are listed under the Laws tab. They are missing in both games. They used to be there.
Feudal Elective must have broke with the Oct 26, 2018 update. Another issue with this one is that I was able to vote even though my duchies were not De Jure of K. Germany.