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May 3, 2015
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One line summary of your issue
Invading China is impossible as nomads

Game Version

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
China can't be invaded, as seen in the screenshot it is telling me I can't because I have levies raised, but I certainly don't.

The raise and dismiss buttons are both greyed out, just to test it I granted a courtier a barony so we'd both have some levies to raise and then raised then dismissed them. I've also manually checked every single army I have, all of them are 100% horde. No levies anywhere, there isn't like a single levy that I've somehow inherited hanging around, every group is pure nomad retinue.

I have raised and dismissed troops and ships several times to see if that will help, but as you can see I still can't invade. I have no truces, no troops, nothing, and I still can't invade.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
No idea. No mods are active or anything but I've never conquered the world as nomads or invaded china before, so I have no idea how to reproduce this - it's an ironman game, so I don't think I want to go through conquering the entire world again just to see if I can't invade china.

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Not sure how to reproduce this bug. Do you still have a save file where it occurs?
Yeah, of course. I've tried raising and lowering my levies a bunch of times, also tried lowering my ships as well (though since it's ironman and I wanted to keep them I had to crash the game directly after). Even after I get rid of any levies, vassal levies (not that I have any unless I add vassals), ships and mercenaries it's still uninvadable.

Edit: Accidentally uploaded the file twice. Not sure how to get rid of the second.


  • Ironman_uni.ck2
    4,3 MB · Views: 2
  • Ironman_uni.ck2
    4,3 MB · Views: 0
Thank you for the save and your report! I was able to reproduce the issue with your save and have added it to our internal bug tracker.
Awesome. Is there a way to know when it's fixed? I've spent ages on that save (turns out conquering the world slows your computer right down) and I'd like to continue it once China can be invaded.
Best way is to look at the patch notes when we release a patch. I also try to resolve these threads as bugs are fixed but it can sometimes be hard to keep up.
Best way is to look at the patch notes when we release a patch. I also try to resolve these threads as bugs are fixed but it can sometimes be hard to keep up.

Yeah just occurred to me how many bugs you'd end up dealing with, manually reporting each one solved to the one who reported it would take ages. Keep focusing on making the game even better, I'll scan the patch notes.