One line summary of your issue
Jews cannot be expelled after the plague blame game
Game Version
3.2.1 (AZCE)
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All of the above
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
The decision to expel the Jews (expel_jews) checks for the flag "epidemic_blame_game" and in that case tells the player that they cannot be expelled during the worst of the Black Plague.
The issue is that this flag is set at the start of the epidemic blame game, but is never later removed. This is probably to ensure that the blame game doesn't fire two times after each other.
However, it does cause an issue since this blocks the characters forever from expelling the Jews.
The issue could be resolved by having two different flags, one for an ongoing and one for a completed blame game.
The check for the flag in the expel_jews decision is at line 1315 in decisions\realm_decisions.txt
The check for the flag in the event chain itself is at line 38 in events\rip_epidemic_events.txt, and it is added at lines 45, 64, 76, and 87 in the same file.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Have your capital suffer some level of depopulation.
2. Wait for event RIP.13000 (MTTH 6 months) to trigger.
3. Try to expel the Jews at any time after this.
(Since "epidemic_blame_game" is a character flag, the death of the character would "hide" the bug.)
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Jews cannot be expelled after the plague blame game
Game Version
3.2.1 (AZCE)
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
The decision to expel the Jews (expel_jews) checks for the flag "epidemic_blame_game" and in that case tells the player that they cannot be expelled during the worst of the Black Plague.
The issue is that this flag is set at the start of the epidemic blame game, but is never later removed. This is probably to ensure that the blame game doesn't fire two times after each other.
However, it does cause an issue since this blocks the characters forever from expelling the Jews.
The issue could be resolved by having two different flags, one for an ongoing and one for a completed blame game.
The check for the flag in the expel_jews decision is at line 1315 in decisions\realm_decisions.txt
The check for the flag in the event chain itself is at line 38 in events\rip_epidemic_events.txt, and it is added at lines 45, 64, 76, and 87 in the same file.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Have your capital suffer some level of depopulation.
2. Wait for event RIP.13000 (MTTH 6 months) to trigger.
3. Try to expel the Jews at any time after this.
(Since "epidemic_blame_game" is a character flag, the death of the character would "hide" the bug.)
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