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Apr 11, 2017
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One line summary of your issue
Kingdom of Israel can be formed multiple times

Game Version

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
After forming the kingdom of Israel via decision as a jewish ruler (a nomad in my case) you can destroy it, only to recreate it using the decision and the bloodline a second time.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Start as the ruler of Khazaria in 867.
Get your population high enough to start an invasion.
Invade the kingdom of Jerusalem.
Convert Jerusalem to the Jewish Religion
Create the kingdom of Israel
Destroy the kingdom of Israel

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Additionally, you can press the decision multiple times while paused, as title isn't created before closing the triggered event. Probably also a known issue, but putting it out there just in case.