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[ law_set_allow_matrilineal_marriage = no ] does not work in common\laws
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Adding the tag "law_set_allow_matrilineal_marriage = no" to a law's effect does not seem to prevent matrineal marriages.
Agnatic sucession still allows matrilineal marriages, even though it does not have the "law_set_allow_matrilineal_marriage = yes". tag. By adding the tag "law_set_allow_matrilineal_marriage = no" to the law's effects, you are still able to choose a matrilineal marriage.
This makes it more difficult to straight forwardly modify gender succession laws to prevent matrilineal marriage, because in order to do so, you must also modify religion/governments to disable matrilineal marriage first.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1) Start a vanilla game, and play a character with agnatic succession. You will still be able to matrilineally marry.
2) In order to prevent matrilineal marriage for agnatic succession, you could either change the government type or religion to not allow it, thereby requiring any of the other gender succession laws (agnatic-cognatic, etc) in order to allow matrilineal marriage.
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[ law_set_allow_matrilineal_marriage = no ] does not work in common\laws
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Adding the tag "law_set_allow_matrilineal_marriage = no" to a law's effect does not seem to prevent matrineal marriages.
Agnatic sucession still allows matrilineal marriages, even though it does not have the "law_set_allow_matrilineal_marriage = yes". tag. By adding the tag "law_set_allow_matrilineal_marriage = no" to the law's effects, you are still able to choose a matrilineal marriage.
This makes it more difficult to straight forwardly modify gender succession laws to prevent matrilineal marriage, because in order to do so, you must also modify religion/governments to disable matrilineal marriage first.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1) Start a vanilla game, and play a character with agnatic succession. You will still be able to matrilineally marry.
2) In order to prevent matrilineal marriage for agnatic succession, you could either change the government type or religion to not allow it, thereby requiring any of the other gender succession laws (agnatic-cognatic, etc) in order to allow matrilineal marriage.
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