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Localization error in event RIP.29009
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The event RIP.29009 is about whether you befriend somebody else who is mourning the loss of your recently deceased friend. It has two versions, one where the other character accepts your friendship, and one where they reject it. In the localization file ReapersDue.csv, there are supposed to be two event descriptions (EVTDSC_RIP_29009_A and EVTDSC_RIP_29009_B) and two event options (EVTOPTA_RIP_29009_A and EVTOPTA_RIP_29009_B). But instead, the localization text that is meant to be EVTOPTA_RIP_29009_A ("The world isn't such a bad place after all!"), is in the place of EVTDSC_RIP_29009_B, and EVTOPTA_RIP_29009_A does not exist in the localization file at all. So when the B version of the event fires, you get what is shown in this screenshot (sourced from u/SharksWithFlareGuns on Reddit, but I saw it myself too).
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Localization error in event RIP.29009
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
The event RIP.29009 is about whether you befriend somebody else who is mourning the loss of your recently deceased friend. It has two versions, one where the other character accepts your friendship, and one where they reject it. In the localization file ReapersDue.csv, there are supposed to be two event descriptions (EVTDSC_RIP_29009_A and EVTDSC_RIP_29009_B) and two event options (EVTOPTA_RIP_29009_A and EVTOPTA_RIP_29009_B). But instead, the localization text that is meant to be EVTOPTA_RIP_29009_A ("The world isn't such a bad place after all!"), is in the place of EVTDSC_RIP_29009_B, and EVTOPTA_RIP_29009_A does not exist in the localization file at all. So when the B version of the event fires, you get what is shown in this screenshot (sourced from u/SharksWithFlareGuns on Reddit, but I saw it myself too).
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