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Message For "You Receive Word Karloman's Wife Has Fled" Is Generated Twice, Can Create Multiple CB's
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
When playing as Charlemagne, when Karloman dies, the message that "His wife has fled to another court - surely a plot is brewing against you there!" is always generated twice. Sometimes, it is for the same realm - it always generates vs Lombardy, but it sometimes generates once for Lombardy, and once for Bavaria or Asturias, giving you a claim on both Lombardy and Asturias / Bavaria.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
- Start game as Karl
- Wait for Karloman to die, or kill him
- Observe double generation of "has fled to another court, surely a plot is brewing!" message. If it doesn't generate for two different courts and create two different CBs, just do it again. It's random.
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edit: wrote "giving you a claim on both Lombardy and Asturias / Saxony, meant to write Asturias / Bavaria. Asturias and Bavaria are the only kingdoms for which claims are generated, in addition to Lombardy."
Message For "You Receive Word Karloman's Wife Has Fled" Is Generated Twice, Can Create Multiple CB's
Game Version
What expansions do you have installed?
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
When playing as Charlemagne, when Karloman dies, the message that "His wife has fled to another court - surely a plot is brewing against you there!" is always generated twice. Sometimes, it is for the same realm - it always generates vs Lombardy, but it sometimes generates once for Lombardy, and once for Bavaria or Asturias, giving you a claim on both Lombardy and Asturias / Bavaria.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
- Start game as Karl
- Wait for Karloman to die, or kill him
- Observe double generation of "has fled to another court, surely a plot is brewing!" message. If it doesn't generate for two different courts and create two different CBs, just do it again. It's random.
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edit: wrote "giving you a claim on both Lombardy and Asturias / Saxony, meant to write Asturias / Bavaria. Asturias and Bavaria are the only kingdoms for which claims are generated, in addition to Lombardy."
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