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Jan 13, 2013
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One line summary of your issue
Messed up family tree

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All of the above

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
When looking at my family tree, it just stacks all dynasty members on top of eachother in a long vertical strip. It really takes the fun out of looking at your dynasty, so that sucks. I started as a count of Sardinia in the earliest start.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
I am not sure, but perhaps it is related to some of my family members becoming patricians early somehow. I am not sure. I changed the coat of arms to something more aesthetically pleasing, but cant see how that would mess it up.

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I fixed this a while ago - the issue is that Lucia Sorrenti (character #145908 in sardinian.txt) should be of her own dynasty. Just give her a new Sorrenti dynasty ID so she's separate from the other family of the same name. That will fix the broken family tree.

She also needs 'female=yes' added, and should probably be changed to Orthodox.
I fixed this a while ago - the issue is that Lucia Sorrenti (character #145908 in sardinian.txt) should be of her own dynasty. Just give her a new Sorrenti dynasty ID so she's separate from the other family of the same name. That will fix the broken family tree.

She also needs 'female=yes' added, and should probably be changed to Orthodox.
Thanks for giving some clear details on the problem. It has taken some fun out of my Sardinian adventure, but it is what it is. Hopefully Paradox sees this and does a quick fix for it, in the next patch.
there are a few issues with this, actually. certain dynasties reused or at times split into two for no reason

the oriya hindu bhaumakara dynasty has the mother of the ruler in the 867 start be that dynasty without actually descending from any member, since she was briefly the dynastic head in history, which causes some weird floater problems in the dynastic view. since holy fury the greek dalassenos dynasty also has something similar, with there being one male greek founder and one disconnected woman married into the.... komnenos family, i think. theres some other examples but off the top of my head i cant remember them

seems like weird oversights but i mean ive done stupid things when ive been modding this stuff too, i just make a habit out of launching the game and checking every now and then. i guess in a professional environment where theres a couple cooks involved though it gets kind of complicated and stuff slips through the cracks
It happens in the current Monarch's Journey challenge as Queen of the Bahia dynasty. Seems that the dynasty tree bugs out if it can't trace everyone back to a common ancestor. Kind of annoying considering the challenge involves breeding a large dynasty.


  • dynasty bug.png
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you'll have to manually merge the 2 family trees by marrying all the men on the left side off to women of your dynasty from the tree on the right.
Their children will then not have the issue and no more of those bugged characters will appear
Yeah, I'm also having this issue:


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I am having the same problem, playing as a Duchess of Thessaloniki. I think in my case it started after some african as well as northern characters randomly joined my dynasty who were supposed to be lowborn as it seems. But this is an ironman game so i hope there is a chance that i can fix this even without the console
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