One line summary of your issue
Nephew inherits Mistress along with the Kingdom
Game Version
3.3.2 (IIVC)
What expansions do you have installed?
Jade Dragon
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I was playing LLwellyn II today, and a nephew (I think) inherited his uncle's mistress when he inherited the kingdom.
King + Mistress -> legitimised daughter
King dies, legitimised daughter inherits
Daughter dies young (in suspious circumstances)
Old king's nephew inherits kingdom. Somehow, nephew also inherits uncle's (old king's) mistress
Mistress was quite put out when nephew rejected her advance (IIRC he became cruel)
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Nephew inherits Mistress along with the Kingdom
Game Version
3.3.2 (IIVC)
What expansions do you have installed?
Jade Dragon
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I was playing LLwellyn II today, and a nephew (I think) inherited his uncle's mistress when he inherited the kingdom.
King + Mistress -> legitimised daughter
King dies, legitimised daughter inherits
Daughter dies young (in suspious circumstances)
Old king's nephew inherits kingdom. Somehow, nephew also inherits uncle's (old king's) mistress
Mistress was quite put out when nephew rejected her advance (IIRC he became cruel)
Steps to reproduce the issue.
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