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Apr 12, 2018
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One line summary of your issue
Offspring of Sayyid Chinese Emperor is not Sayyid

Game Version

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
As the Chinese emperor is Sayyid, his children should be also Sayyid, same situation as a (descendant of ) Saoshyant Chinese Emperor.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Be a Sayyid ruler.
2. Invade Chinese with a Sayyid character successfully.
3. Be another character.
4. Request Imperial Marriage.

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Yes, and additionally any bloodlines held by the Chinese Emperor disappears after a generation.

Explained in detail:
I believe the spawned princes and princesses of the original emperor (who has the bloodline) keep the bloodline, but it is not transferred to the next emperor (after the death of the original) and therefore not to any future emperors or princes and princesses.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Start in any date of the Borjigin has established the Yuan Dynasty (1234 in game, but that's another matter...).
2. Fast forward (observe for some 30 years or so).
3. Notice that the Yuan emperors no longer have the Blood of Genghis Khan bloodline.

All expansions, same game version and no mods