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Field Marshal
30 Badges
Sep 3, 2016
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One line summary of your issue
on_startup events do not fire for all characters at the start of a new game

Game Version

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
on_startup events do not fire for all characters at the start of a new game, in particular they don't seem to fire for non-historical courtiers. To prove this, I wrote the following event which should give every character in the game the Immortal trait and set it to fire on_startup:

character_event = {
    id = AFRREL.033
    hide_window = yes
    is_triggered_only = yes
    immediate = {
        add_trait = immortal

All rulers gained the trait, as did their historical children, but many randomly generated courtiers did not. Saving and exiting, and reloading the game resulted in, as far as I could tell, all characters correctly having the Immortal trait.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Make an event like the one above and start a new game.

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