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Nov 8, 2019
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One line summary of your issue
Pope accuses you of not participating in crusade despite participating

Game Version

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
When called to a crusade as a child I accepted the call immediately, I initally selected a beneficiary and then switched it to myself. The crusade then began. I concluded a war and shipped my troops to anatolia for the crusade at which point I fought 3 battles and joined an ongoing siege with other crusaders for the anatolian capital. I then got a message that I had been excommunicated despite having a 22 relation with the pope and got a message that the pope was displeased that I had not sent troops to the crusade despite being second in participation.

This occurred while playing as the son of the Llewellyn monarch journey challenge ruler.

Steps to reproduce the issue.

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Might be an issue with the comparisons made in the coding. The event uses

war_participation = {
who = PREV
score <= 0.001​

to check who is not taking part, but this "<=" is not characteristic of how paradox scripting makes less-than comparisons. I can't really check against other events, as war_participation is not used anywhere else, but I would expect the code to be more like

NOT = {
war_participation = {
who = PREV
score = 0.001​
Support for these operators was added in 2.8, so that's not the issue. I think this was fixed in the community patch, on the workshop and here on the modding forums