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Refomer family don't become gods [3.2.2][AZCE]
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When reforming a pagan religion with the doctrines agnatic/enatic clans and dawnbreakers/divine marriage while and not having temporal, the reformer's family should become gods, but the on_action event that should fire the scripted_effect is commented out (line 5185 in on_action_events.txt).
I tried making a small mod where I copied the on_action_events.txt but removed the # and it worked just fine.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Reform a pagan religion with agnatic/enatic clans and dawnbreakers/divine marriage but not temporal leadership.
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Refomer family don't become gods [3.2.2][AZCE]
Game Version
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All of the above
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
When reforming a pagan religion with the doctrines agnatic/enatic clans and dawnbreakers/divine marriage while and not having temporal, the reformer's family should become gods, but the on_action event that should fire the scripted_effect is commented out (line 5185 in on_action_events.txt).
I tried making a small mod where I copied the on_action_events.txt but removed the # and it worked just fine.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Reform a pagan religion with agnatic/enatic clans and dawnbreakers/divine marriage but not temporal leadership.
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