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Jan 26, 2016
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One line summary of your issue
Retinue stuck in raiding, raised raiders leave while raiding

Game Version
3.0 (QXTU)

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Playing as Ghana in the 769 start, I eventually raised a regiment of my cultural retinue. Then my councilor's Raise Raiders event fired, and I sent them and my retinue raiding. While raiding, I got the message that the raiders left because of not raiding (which they were), and my retinues were stuck in raiding mode, and the button is grayed out/disabled to put them back in regular mode. When I raised a second regiment of retinues, I put them in raiding mode, combined the two armies, and now both are stuck in raiding mode.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
As tribal, raise retinues and wait the for the councilor mission to raise raiding party fires. Combine them into one party, and send them raiding.

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  • retinue_bug_2.png
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  • Ironman_Ghana.ck2
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To make things even more fun, you can get your retinue stuck in raiding mode and have the raiding regiments stick around but not be raiding. Here is how:

Set the retinue to raid.
Merge the retinue with the raiding army. The combined army should not be able to stop raiding.
Split the army in half. One half can stop raiding, the other can't.

If you want to get units that shouldn't be able to stop raiding into a non-raiding army:
Merge with at least 1 regiment that is currently raiding but is not required to do so.
Create new army from the army that is forced to raid.
Move all regiments into new army.
Turn raiding off for new army.

As for raiders running away while raiding, I am given to understand that there is a follow up event 1 month after your marshal gathers raiders. If your raiders are raiding when it fires (i.e. they are pulling loot out of a province), the event sets a flag for them to last forever. If they aren't raiding, it calls another event 1 month later. It keeps going for 5 or 6 months.
I found a solution that seems to work:
if a unit is stuck in raiding/not raiding, join it with levies then split-off special troops, now only levies are stuck but they can be disbanded to be reset