One line summary of your issue
Ruler stuck on a journey
Game Version
3.3.2 (IIVC)
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I was invited for a coronation, right at the time i clicked yes for the invitation the guy ho invited me died and my character got stuck "on a journey" in an endeless regency, i couldnt do law changes and on my ruler death my kingdom (had 2 kingdom titles) got split between one son and 1 grandson with my grandson keeping all the good land i had been upgranding since the start of the game (3 fully controled duchies from which i made a new kingdom before coquering / usurping the second kingdom) all because of this moronic bug, this ruined this run for me
in the attached save i reclaimed the title with my player but i wont keep this run, i am down from having 2 kingdons, fully controlling 3 duchies with 10k good quality levies (lot of knights, not to mention my 3 knight retinues) to having 1 county and 2 kingdon titles and a bunch of anoyng vassals
Steps to reproduce the issue.
I accepted the invitation and the guy ho invited me died thats was it.
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Ruler stuck on a journey
Game Version
3.3.2 (IIVC)
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I was invited for a coronation, right at the time i clicked yes for the invitation the guy ho invited me died and my character got stuck "on a journey" in an endeless regency, i couldnt do law changes and on my ruler death my kingdom (had 2 kingdom titles) got split between one son and 1 grandson with my grandson keeping all the good land i had been upgranding since the start of the game (3 fully controled duchies from which i made a new kingdom before coquering / usurping the second kingdom) all because of this moronic bug, this ruined this run for me
in the attached save i reclaimed the title with my player but i wont keep this run, i am down from having 2 kingdons, fully controlling 3 duchies with 10k good quality levies (lot of knights, not to mention my 3 knight retinues) to having 1 county and 2 kingdon titles and a bunch of anoyng vassals
Steps to reproduce the issue.
I accepted the invitation and the guy ho invited me died thats was it.
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