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One line summary of your issue
Siege bug (siege finishes repeatedly)

Game Version
3.2.1 AZCE

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.

Siege finishes every day, never get to pillage or siege the other holdings in that province (but I do get the 7.7 gold)....this is an old bug, I thought it had been fixed previously, maybe something re-introduced it (or I was wrong and it was never fixed).

edit: interestingly, I dont get the "was looted for XX gold" message (I set it so I get them when I raid a holding) for this. The holding/castle just sits there with 0 defenders and I get the "victory"-message every day for a month or so (then I moved on)

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Raid. Sometimes sieges bug out. No idea why/how to trigger specifically.

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  • Ironman_Gotland.ck2
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From what I've seen it happens when you are raiding and sieging down the province and the lord chooses to settle an adventurer, which applies the province modifier that blocks raiding. When your current siege finishes it will restart at 0%, every day. I've had this happen raiding a MR. It filled my fleet with a few thousand wealth in short order, while spamming me with "Siege complete" reports.
I wasn't at war with the province owner (yeah sorry, the spam-messages obscure that in the pic) and considering I had no trouble raiding the provinces right next to it (that belong to the same realm) it seems unlikely that that's the case here.
Perhaps, though I'm not sure what war would have to do with it. I've never had it trigger during a war, but have had it trigger several times when raiding. It's always been when someone settles an adventurer to block further raiding. It wouldn't surprise me if other things that can block raiding could also trigger it. Also, can only independent characters settle adventurers, or can their vassals? Not sure if it could apply to only a subrealm.