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May 4, 2017
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One line summary of your issue
Some values not readable (like prestige income)

Game Version

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.

"Bug" might be a bit too strong a word for this issue, but if you could look into it, I'd be grateful.

The problem is that the important part is the sum of these many many individual values, but it's not readable because it gets "pushed out of the screen" by them (upper red circle).
There actually is some space left (lower red circle), but I'd suggest just making it so that the upper bound (where the sum is displayed) is fixed and then it just shows as many of the individual modifiers as the screen permits.

Similar issue when I invite vasalls for Passover (feast decision for Jewish rulers), I mean here the bonus to piety & prestige is always the same so I dont NEED to see it, but it would imho still be nice to be able to.

(Am using UI scaling 1.10 if that matters)

Steps to reproduce the issue.
collect a shitton of prestige income modifiers

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