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Mar 5, 2012
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One line summary of your issue
"trait = incapable" checks ignoring trait sick_incapable in multiple occasions

Game Version
[3.2.1] [AZCE]

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I have made a detailed thread here explaining the issue.
Basically, the majority of the code base does only ever check for the visible trait called "incapable", but almost never for the invisible trait called "sick_incapable" that was added in Reaper's Due.
This will result in events undesirably firing for characters that are otherwise considered incapacitated (and employ a regent, etc), or those characters picking focuses that should be blocked for them design-wise, etc.
The proper solution seems to be using "is_incapable = yes" instead, as this seems to check for the trait flag that incapacitates the character instead (but you would know best, you are the devs and can see the underlying code ^^).
Replacing the single trait check with the general check would mitigate the problem entirely as far as I see.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Since this issue is visible in code, there's no need o track it ingame.
For a file that is particularly important and full of these errors, open /common/scripted_triggers/00_scripted_triggers.txt and search for "trait = incapable" checks. All of these should actually read "is_incapable = yes". Only in 2 single occasions does the code check for the hidden sick_incapable trait, but directly as opposed to the more elegant and safer "is_incapable = yes" method.

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