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Unique god names after pagan reformation do not save correctly (CK2 3.3.0)
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3.3.0 added a new feature where the names of the gods for a religion can change after pagan reformation depending on the circumstances. The examples I've found include reforming Hellenism while Greek, which gives the gods their Greek names, and reforming any pagan religion with Agnatic/Enatic Clans, which replaces the gods with a predominantly male or female pantheon.
A problem I've noticed, however, is that after saving the game and then loading that save, the names are all jumbled into one string. Prior to doing that the names display properly. I've attached images of both before and after saving and loading the game immediately after reforming the Germanic faith with Enatic Clans, but I've also observed this happening with reforming Hellenic while Greek.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Reform a pagan religion in such a way that will cause unique god names
2. Save the game
3. Load that save file
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Unique god names after pagan reformation do not save correctly (CK2 3.3.0)
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All of the above
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
3.3.0 added a new feature where the names of the gods for a religion can change after pagan reformation depending on the circumstances. The examples I've found include reforming Hellenism while Greek, which gives the gods their Greek names, and reforming any pagan religion with Agnatic/Enatic Clans, which replaces the gods with a predominantly male or female pantheon.
A problem I've noticed, however, is that after saving the game and then loading that save, the names are all jumbled into one string. Prior to doing that the names display properly. I've attached images of both before and after saving and loading the game immediately after reforming the Germanic faith with Enatic Clans, but I've also observed this happening with reforming Hellenic while Greek.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1. Reform a pagan religion in such a way that will cause unique god names
2. Save the game
3. Load that save file
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