One line summary of your issue
War notifications are and have always been broken
Game Version
3.3.0 [XDSW]
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
This isn't just a bug, but also a baffling design flaw that has been in the game forever. War notifications can happen all the time in a large war or multiple wars. Victory in battle, defeat in sieges, etc. Sometimes they pepper the screen within a few days. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, they do not pause the game by default. Okay, so let's try to set the message settings to pause the game when they come up. Except that doesn't work. They continue to not pause the game because apparently there are fifty billion subsets depending on who is affected and the settings don't cover it. They should absolutely cover any war notifications that pop up in my face and have me scrambling to close them quickly because I'm in a freaking war and time is of the essence, or scrambling to pause the game so I can inspect them. Then, on the off chance the game does pause when one comes up, closing it will not unpause the game. You have to do that manually.
How in the blazes has this never been fixed?? There should be a setting to pause the game on ANY defeat/victory notification that pops up on the screen and they should be treated like standard dialogs that unpause the game when dismissed! This is how it should have ALWAYS been!
EDIT: Silly me, Steam was still set to the 64-bit beta, set it back to 3.3, but this is still as broken as it always was as far as I can tell.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
See above.
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War notifications are and have always been broken
Game Version
3.3.0 [XDSW]
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
This isn't just a bug, but also a baffling design flaw that has been in the game forever. War notifications can happen all the time in a large war or multiple wars. Victory in battle, defeat in sieges, etc. Sometimes they pepper the screen within a few days. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, they do not pause the game by default. Okay, so let's try to set the message settings to pause the game when they come up. Except that doesn't work. They continue to not pause the game because apparently there are fifty billion subsets depending on who is affected and the settings don't cover it. They should absolutely cover any war notifications that pop up in my face and have me scrambling to close them quickly because I'm in a freaking war and time is of the essence, or scrambling to pause the game so I can inspect them. Then, on the off chance the game does pause when one comes up, closing it will not unpause the game. You have to do that manually.
How in the blazes has this never been fixed?? There should be a setting to pause the game on ANY defeat/victory notification that pops up on the screen and they should be treated like standard dialogs that unpause the game when dismissed! This is how it should have ALWAYS been!
EDIT: Silly me, Steam was still set to the 64-bit beta, set it back to 3.3, but this is still as broken as it always was as far as I can tell.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
See above.
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