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Richard V III

38 Badges
Jan 14, 2018
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One line summary of your issue
Wife has same heir, but won't form alliance

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I had this bug happen to me over a year ago before Holy Furry came out, and just had it happen to me again. This might not be a glitch as much as it is an oversight that should just be corrected.
What the bug is, is that you get married to a landed woman in a normal marriage so that your kids are of your bloodline. She refuses to form an alliance sighting "political concerns." You then have a kid, and have the same heir, and yet she will still never form an alliance because of those "political concerns."
Fix this error because it is pointless, and makes no sense. If we have the same heir then there should be no political concerns, we literally have the same interests, you know the ones that involve giving all of our lands to our kid.

Add condition to when forming alliance,
check box- if spouse should be like a +++++++++++++++ that outweighs political concerns to begin with.
Then add check box- same heir always form alliance.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Have a landed spouse that doesn't want to form an alliance for no reason.

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As King of Germany, I pressed my wife's claim on the Kingdom of Italy, after which our son was the heir to both titles. My wife was too old to have more children (and thus couldn't produce an heir of her dynasty if I were to die before her), but she still wouldn't agree to an alliance on account of "political concerns".