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CKPlus Triumvirate
80 Badges
Jun 17, 2014
  • Semper Fi
  • Hearts of Iron III: Their Finest Hour
  • Hearts of Iron III Collection
  • Heir to the Throne
  • King Arthur II
  • A Game of Dwarves
  • Leviathan: Warships
  • The Kings Crusade
  • Magicka
  • Victoria: Revolutions
  • Rome Gold
  • Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition
  • Sengoku
  • Sword of the Stars
  • Sword of the Stars II
  • Victoria 2
  • Victoria 2: A House Divided
  • Victoria 2: Heart of Darkness
  • Rome: Vae Victis
  • Warlock: Master of the Arcane
  • Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum
  • Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods
  • Cities in Motion
  • Cities in Motion 2
  • Crusader Kings II
  • Crusader Kings II: Charlemagne
  • Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome
  • Hearts of Iron III
  • Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India
  • Crusader Kings II: The Republic
  • Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham
  • Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam
  • For the Motherland
  • Divine Wind
  • Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion
  • Dungeonland
  • Europa Universalis III
  • Cities: Skylines
  • Crusader Kings II: Conclave
  • Crusader Kings II: Reapers Due
  • Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords
  • Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense
  • Crusader Kings II: Way of Life
  • Magicka: Wizard Wars Founder Wizard
  • Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado
  • War of the Roses
  • Europa Universalis IV: Call to arms event
  • Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Paradise
  • Europa Universalis 4: Emperor
  • Europa Universalis IV

What is it?
As the name implies, CK2Plus exists to give you more—more content, more choices, more fun. The goal is to offer a deeper and more challenging CK2 experience without straying too far from the original game mechanics or adding overly deterministic events. The purpose of this mod is not historical accuracy (although we try to preserve it whenever it’s not detrimental to gameplay), but rather to enrich the medieval sandbox that CK2 offers.

More Info:
1) First, find your installation directory. This will depend on your OS, and may not be (especially in the case of Windows) the directory where you installed CK2 itself:
  • Windows: ~\My Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod\
  • Linux: ~/.paradoxinteractive/Crusader Kings II/mod/
  • Mac: ~/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings II/mod/
2) If the "mod" subdirectory doesn't exist in the above location, create it.

3) If you already have a "mod" sub-directory there, excellent. Make sure you delete anything related to CK2Plus and CleanSlate prior to the manual installation -- this includes any old versions of the mods, anything that was installed by Steam Workshop (which we no longer use), etc. You want a clean slate when installing, even if you're just updating to a new mod version.

4) Make sure you've downloaded the .zip file from the link at the top of this page.

5) To extract the files from within, you'll first need a program like WinRar or 7-Zip. Once you have that, you should be able to just click to open the .zip file and you can move the files over to the "mod" sub-directory. Alternatively, you can use the extractor program to select the .zip file and select where you want the files extracted (the installation directory in #1).

6) Start the CK2 launcher. Check the "CK2Plus" and "CleanSlate" boxes in the list of mods. When the title screen comes up, make sure the checksum (the four-letter code to the left of the title screen buttons) matches the one listed for that CK2Plus version. If so, you're good to go. If not, you've either made some other alterations, installed some other mods, or made a mistake.

Bugs can be reported on our GitHub page here,
For multiple bugs, please submit reports individually for our ease of tracking. Thank you for your help!
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  • 3Love
5.0 beta1

5.0 beta 1
Requires CleanSlate beta 3 (included in forum download below)
Checksum: IFSR
Steam Workshop

This release marks the permanent departure of long time Plus developer schwarherz. He has worked on the mod for the majority of the time since its original creator stopped working on it in 2013 and it has been under his mentorship these past few years that I am confident I can take over development without having to worry losing track of its long legacy.

Although the mod has come very far since the start of the rewrite, it's not quite finished yet, so there are still bugs to be found. Please help us find them and report them, either here or on GitHub. When reporting multiple bugs on GitHub please submit reports individually for our ease of tracking. Thank you for your help!

  • Fixed Roman Provincia decisions not showing up, patched up de jure holes
  • Restored old Viceroy succession events
  • Imperial vassals default to primogeniture succession, and have access to others
  • Imperial Government no longer allows holding cities
  • Restored Roman Empire's title history, so the Byzantine Empire now has complete title history once more
  • Restored old title history for religion heads and holy orders, so they're not around when not wanted
  • Reined in inherited Dishonorable, Dynastic Stain and Tyrant traits a bit:
    • Now only transfers when titles are inherited, not when granted or usurped. Rulers who are already dishonorable/tyrant when inheriting a title gain half the difference, provided they have lower dishonorable/tyrant than who they inherited from. Others inherit half the difference.
    • Tyrant trait now gradually reduces over time again.
  • Fixed several de jure CBs not being available
  • Fixed getting negative opinion modifiers when switching councillors
  • Fixed coronation related traits not properly being added and removed
  • Fixed possibility to push weak claims against all uncrowned rulers. Also slightly widened the requirements for pushing weak claims on behalf of other characters, now matching requirements for pushing one's own weak claims
  • Several 'Groom an heir'-ambition fixes:
    • Now cancels when all your children are dead
    • Now available to baron-tier patricians
    • Now only available for suitable player heirs
  • Fixed William the Conqueror losing tons of prestige in his special decision, now also properly downgrades Anglo-Saxon claims
  • Jashan-e Sadeh festival can now also be prepared anytime. It will automatically trigger in December, instead of August/September, since this is a mid-winter feast
  • Caught several straggling Chalcedonian characters and provinces in 1066
  • Fixed Burger Obligation Laws having incorrectly balanced modifiers
  • Fixed CB to seize trade post potentially invalidating
  • Fixed random crashes starting from 1170 onward
  • Disabled Millennium bookmark until the title history is restored
  • Fixed succession crisis continuing when titles are not properly inherited (consider Karloman's scripted inheritance by Charlemagne)
  • Fixed Carolingian Reconquest almost always being available
  • Forts can once more be built in peacetime
  • Fixed the Hagia Sophia Holy Site building being available for all non-Bogomilists
  • Fixed some Nomad coastal buildings not being active when built next to major lakes
  • Fixed the Iconoclast religion having no religion head while the Great Schism is in place
  • Improved selection for candidates in succession crises
  • Fixed men being ineligible for being kidnapped in forests, instead of women
  • Fixed plot backers in the Seduction plot only being able to find opportunities if they backed plotter was also backing their plot
  • Fixed incorrect setup of faction war to overthrow a ruler after the ruler refuses the faction demand to change religion
  • Tied religious faction demand into new system to invite liege's vassals who aren't yet in the faction when issueing ultimatum to liege
  • Fixed some events likely breaking the Bogomilist formalization process
  • Various Celtic events no longer require The Old Gods and can now also fire with Holy Fury
  • Fixed various lifestyle events checking for incorrect flags
  • Fixed prestige loss on law changes
  • Fixed very few marriage candidates appearing
  • Restored old imperial governments
  • Restored old law features
  • Re-adjusted government flavor to Plus religions and imperial governments
  • Fix not being able to take ruler out of hiding

5.0 alpha 1.4 - not publicly announced
  • Fixed Chalcedonian Bishops with Latin rites not having proper investiture
  • Fixed Holy War not giving moral authority boost to attacker
  • Fixed issues with dynasty members requesting you press their claims
  • Fixed regions not loading in the correct order - fixes 'Africa being ravaged by plague'-event, and possibly some others as well
  • Fixed vanilla de jure empires returning upon loading saved games
  • Adjusted e_placeholder's colour to be closer to having no de jure empire
  • Fixed Bishops becoming barons and barons pretending to be tribes
  • Fixed theocratic Iceland in 867


  • CK2Plus 5.0 beta 1.zip
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RIP schwarz :(
I'm not dead, just (re)tired from Plus. Turns out that running the mod in addition to my actual job just lead to a never ending cycle of burnouts
  • 5Like
5.0 beta2

5.0 beta 2
Requires CleanSlate beta 3 (included in forum download below)
Checksum: RFMR
Steam Workshop
GitHub download

More fixes, including an experimental approach to taking care of those pesky prestige issues once and for all. You are kindly requested to provide save games and/or reproduceable steps to prestige loss issues.

As the changelog illustrates, there are still plenty of bugs. Please help us find them and report them, either here or on GitHub. When reporting multiple bugs on GitHub please submit reports individually for our ease of tracking. Thank you for your help!

  • Experimental fix for laws prestige issues
  • Fixed various pentarchy assingment issues, most notably the HRE
  • Fixed appointment of ineligible cardinals in Great Schism events
  • Fixes and tweaks to Bogomilist organisation decisions/events
  • Fixed decadence uprisings/reinforcements trying to fire everywhere
  • Fixed some ambitions automatically invalidating (also fixes the ambition to break out of prison only being available when incapable (before then also automatically invalidating)
  • Fixed liberation revolts sometimes not declaring war properly
  • Fixed multiple imperial decadence modifiers appearing
  • Fixed inviting children to carousing
  • Fixed some incorrect cultural titles
  • Fixed Faction piety transfer tooltips mentioning prestige instead
  • Fixed Demand Tribute being available against everyone
  • Added missing localisation for Obligation Laws game rule
  • Re-enabled AI plotting
  • Fixed many localisation typos, courtesy of Klorpa
  • Fixed Release as Tributary decision appearing on self and de jure vassals


  • CK2Plus 5.0 beta 2.zip
    70,1 MB · Views: 0
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I can confirm that i also can't download the beta 2 and get an access denied page.
The 5.0 beta 1 download works, but not the folowing beta 2+Cleanslate attachement.

Can it be that the file name is simply too long ?
Not sure if that is a still a thing these days.
Just a wild guess.


Some applause for schwarherz for that long time caring for a mod and putting in time and effort and likely headaches.


PS: I'm a little confused why this is not posted in the Master thread ?
Admittedly a beta is not a master, so much i understand ;), but schwarherz posted the recent alpha versions in there too.
A but inconsistent and unexpected and the direct download there is also to this latest version and not an old master version.
So it's still there to seperate discussion or just as you might unpin that schwarherz thread anyway and make this the future main thread ?
Sorry, not my business at the end of the day, just confused and curious.
Well anway, just an idea, maybe a link to this thread should be posted in the Master Thread, so that people can see and find the new version
by seeing the Master thread unread in their Watched threads list, assuming they haven't stumbled over it in the Steam Workshop first.
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Forum download doesn't seem to work - getting an access denied message

Thanks for letting me know. Try again now.


I can confirm that i also can't download the beta 2 and get an access denied page.
The 5.0 beta 1 download works, but not the folowing beta 2+Cleanslate attachement.

Can it be that the file name is simply too long ?
Not sure if that is a still a thing these days.
Just a wild guess.

Could be the file name. Re-uploaded with the same name scheme as the previous update.

Some applause for schwarherz for that long time caring for a mod and putting in time and effort and likely headaches.


PS: I'm a little confused why this is not posted in the Master thread ?
Admittedly a beta is not a master, so much i understand ;), but schwarherz posted the recent alpha versions in there too.
A but inconsistent and unexpected and the direct download there is also to this latest version and not an old master version.
So it's still there to seperate discussion or just as you might unpin that schwarherz thread anyway and make this the future main thread ?
Sorry, not my business at the end of the day, just confused and curious.
Well anway, just an idea, maybe a link to this thread should be posted in the Master Thread, so that people can see and find the new version
by seeing the Master thread unread in their Watched threads list, assuming they haven't stumbled over it in the Steam Workshop first.

I made a new thread so I wouldn't have to bug schwarherz out of retirement for each update. The Steam Workshop downloads were replaced for the same reason, since ownership can't be transferred, sadly. I linked all the old 'master' threads in the new one. You are right that we need to get the old one unstickied and the new one stickied, so it's clear where to get the information and download links.
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Could be the file name. Re-uploaded with the same name scheme as the previous update.

Yup, works now. Grand. :)

I made a new thread so I wouldn't have to bug schwarherz out of retirement for each update.

Makes sense for the opening post or when some link in the OP changes. Hadn't thought of that.
That's kind of you, i suppose. *hehe*

The Steam Workshop downloads were replaced for the same reason, since ownership can't be transferred, sadly.

A good idea anyway, as Workshop updates are often enough annoyingly complicated.
Though i just saw that it apparently worked for the update of the 6th december. upload. Nice.

I linked all the old 'master' threads in the new one. You are right that we need to get the old one unstickied and the new one stickied, so it's clear where to get the information and download links.

Good to have the old ones if someone needs an older version or so, but.....i actually said and thought of posting a link in the old Master thread
to this thread so that its old subscribers would see a post with the link to this new one....and schwarherz did it already by now. So nevermind.
I used the report button to get a moderator to fulfill his and your wish. I don't know either where to see who to contact for what.
I don't think there is anything as such anymore and we are supposed to always use the report button nowadays no matter what the issue is.

Now i have to finally play the current Plus version or only Cleanslate on its own beforehand?
Questions, so many questions and potential options, what to do.......
Now i just need to end my old vanilla campaign first. :eek::oops:
5.0 beta2 hotfix

5.0 beta 2 hotfix 3
Requires CleanSlate beta 3
Checksum: HYJV
Steam Workshop
GitHub download

More fixes to prestige loss issues.
Fixes missing technology history.

Extract the includes files on top of the existing mod files, overwriting existing files when asked.

Edit: Updated 30-12-2021 to include much more thorough fixes to prestige loss issues related to laws.


  • CK2Plus 5.0 beta2 hotfix.zip
    36,5 KB · Views: 0
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Excellent mod, I have been playing it for years and I want to play it again and there is no better opportunity like this, but I have a question, is the mod compatible with Idhrendur CK2 to EU4 Converter? I would like to do a mega campaign.
Excellent mod, I have been playing it for years and I want to play it again and there is no better opportunity like this, but I have a question, is the mod compatible with Idhrendur CK2 to EU4 Converter? I would like to do a mega campaign.

I have no idea. The map is vanilla, but there are changes to internal title IDs and new religions, so your bet is as good as mine.
5.0 beta3

5.0 beta 3
Requires CleanSlate beta 4 (included in forum download below)
Checksum: OGGM
Steam Workshop
GitHub download

  • Plus Plots can no longer be cancelled while in motion
  • Fixed Byzantine Emperors sometime getting the wrong coronation decision
  • Fixed Byzantine/Roman Emperors prior to game start not having imperial gov
  • Made all imperial governments more robust
  • Adjusted decision to restore Byzantium to work with imperial government
  • Restored kingdom of Nikaea while the Latin Empire exists
  • Excluded the Latin and Nikaean empires from automatic empire destruction
  • Ensured Byzantium exists de jure in Latin Empire starts
  • Liege laws are (temporarily) no longer copied when granting higher tier title to vassal
  • Fixed adventurers declaring wars for invalid target titles
  • Restored two (accidentally?) deleted CBs, claim_on_liege and other_claim_on_liege
  • Extract the includes files on top of the existing mod files, overwriting existing files when asked.


  • CK2Plus 5.0 beta 3.zip
    70,1 MB · Views: 0
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  • 2Like
Hello I've sat down times and alone times the mod translated into German

I have downloaded the mod from the Paradox forum CK2Plus.5.0.beta2. and from there the mod translated into German have seen in the files that you have already partially translated into German and since I wanted to help you times, I hope it's okay that I have translated the mod without your permission. ^^"

Here is the link to the files translated into German. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hTC-upLEMaQ_dDowJ50h_M9b5MbCnU-M?usp=sharing
Excellent mod, I have been playing it for years and I want to play it again and there is no better opportunity like this, but I have a question, is the mod compatible with Idhrendur CK2 to EU4 Converter? I would like to do a mega campaign.
Way back when I did a few mega campaigns off Plus with those converters. There's a few things you'll need to tweak - there was a irish-norse blended culture that didn't have a mapping, IIRC?, but even with my amateur modding skills (at best) it could be done
Bugs from 2.8 still present in-game:

1) Holy war still usable by pacifists, taoists, and on same realm

2) decadence_Revolt - is_valid_title = {} criteria still causes ai to spam this CB (100 times within a month)

Other Suggestions:

1) e_il-khanate to remove de jure capital

2) k_norway to remove de jure capital

3) kievan and russian duchies/kingdoms to change succession to gavelkind instead of seniority on start dates

4) Event Plus.1962 (shia caliphate revolt) increase match_mult of spawned units by 20%-50% to ensure shia caliphate revolts more likely to succeed
Hello I've sat down times and alone times the mod translated into German

I have downloaded the mod from the Paradox forum CK2Plus.5.0.beta2. and from there the mod translated into German have seen in the files that you have already partially translated into German and since I wanted to help you times, I hope it's okay that I have translated the mod without your permission. ^^"

Here is the link to the files translated into German. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hTC-upLEMaQ_dDowJ50h_M9b5MbCnU-M?usp=sharing

That's incredible! It will be part of the next release. You don't happen to have a good command of either French or Spanish, perchance?

1) I'll need more information, preferably a save game to find out what happened here.
2) That's beyond control of mods, sadly.
3) It's possible for the succession to be changed, but it's too easy right now. Succession law changes will be more difficult with the next update, requiring crown authority when applicable.

Bugs from 2.8 still present in-game:

1) Holy war still usable by pacifists, taoists, and on same realm

2) decadence_Revolt - is_valid_title = {} criteria still causes ai to spam this CB (100 times within a month)

Other Suggestions:

1) e_il-khanate to remove de jure capital

2) k_norway to remove de jure capital

3) kievan and russian duchies/kingdoms to change succession to gavelkind instead of seniority on start dates

4) Event Plus.1962 (shia caliphate revolt) increase match_mult of spawned units by 20%-50% to ensure shia caliphate revolts more likely to succeed

1) Fixed for the next update.
2) Can't reproduce this. Can you provide a save game?

1 and 2) De jure capitals exist for several very good reasons, so I'm not removing either. It can be changed, but you'd have to motivate that too.
3) That can be considered. I was hoping to create some sort of Rota system with custom elective succession laws at some point, but that may well prove to be infeasible.
4) I've seen the Shia revolt succeed a few times recently, even against a very powerful Abbasid caliphate, and I don't think it should always succeed, so I'm hesitant to change it right now.

Also, while I'm very grateful for your reports, please put them in the bug reports thread next time.
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  • 2Like
That's incredible! It will be part of the next release. You don't happen to have a good command of either French or Spanish, perchance?

1) I'll need more information, preferably a save game to find out what happened here.
2) That's beyond control of mods, sadly.
3) It's possible for the succession to be changed, but it's too easy right now. Succession law changes will be more difficult with the next update, requiring crown authority when applicable.

1) Fixed for the next update.
2) Can't reproduce this. Can you provide a save game?

1 and 2) De jure capitals exist for several very good reasons, so I'm not removing either. It can be changed, but you'd have to motivate that too.
3) That can be considered. I was hoping to create some sort of Rota system with custom elective succession laws at some point, but that may well prove to be infeasible.
4) I've seen the Shia revolt succeed a few times recently, even against a very powerful Abbasid caliphate, and I don't think it should always succeed, so I'm hesitant to change it right now.

Also, while I'm very grateful for your reports, please put them in the bug reports thread next time.
No, I'm sorry, I don't have a good knowledge of French and Spanish. ^^" When will the version be released?
Oh damn didn't realise the complete rewrite is still happening, since I gave up ck in general for a while now. Thanks for the effort, will update any problems I face.

1 - You should remove the count only restriction, which is currently required to create the sunni caliphate (d_sunni) or certain other religious titles, as it prevents such titles from ever being formed again by the ai, or player.
2 - A Fitna system which could be used to break up larger Muslims realms, or an event which specifically breaks Andalusia up, under certain circumstances, such as a ruler with weak diplo or mil with certain bad traits.
3 - Removal of the Zikri faith. Seems silly to have a faith which doesn't appear in the game's timeline to constantly spawn randomly and gain prominence over a playthrough. It's akin to having Protestantism in this mod. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahdavia

1 - Is Al-Qusair supposed to be a wasteland?

1 - The Child of Destiny event HF.290 is bugged. The child of destiny invades for an invalid title or something, so it doesn't matter if they win a war or not, they will lose and not gain any land.
--Copying the event from the og file to cleanslate fixed the issue
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