I read in the changelog that a Dayne may now claim Dawn if the house has converted from the seven, what determines if the house is considered converted from the Seven?
In one of my games I became LP of the Trident and for role-play reasons gave Starfall to one of my sons and granted him independence after I won my independence war so that Starfall would eventually fall back to Dorne.
Now I've converted to Rhillor but the Starfall branch of House Dayne is still faith of the seven. Does the highest ranked member being a different religion count as the house converting away? Do I have to be the liege of all the Dayne's? Do ALL the Dayne's have to convert to Lord of Light?
edit: my bad, apparently I just didn't see the decision in the intrigue menu.
In one of my games I became LP of the Trident and for role-play reasons gave Starfall to one of my sons and granted him independence after I won my independence war so that Starfall would eventually fall back to Dorne.
Now I've converted to Rhillor but the Starfall branch of House Dayne is still faith of the seven. Does the highest ranked member being a different religion count as the house converting away? Do I have to be the liege of all the Dayne's? Do ALL the Dayne's have to convert to Lord of Light?
edit: my bad, apparently I just didn't see the decision in the intrigue menu.
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