I don't quite know what to say to this. The British had for quite awhile, see some reasons for the Crimean War, to keep the Dardanelles out of Russian hands, but it seems quite strange that they would go to such strange and convoluted ends to achieve this. Would they have not been better off keeping the Ottoman's neutral, or entice them to join the Entente?
As for their growing dependence on oil, yes the newer ships were moving towards being powered by oil, much easier to have uniform grades of oil than coal at your fueling stations, and it is easier to transport in greater quatities.
However, Britain controlled a vast empire that had oil producing areas under its control already: Kuwait, Egypt, Brunei, Malaysia, Persia (not directly but GB for all intensive purposes did), Nigeria, etc. So I do not see how Iraqi-Ottoman oil would have been so vital, were they interested yes, but I can't believe to the point where they would plot to have the Ottomans join the CP, so they could carve it up in the end. Also the Ottoman's owed them (France and Germany also.) enough money that they could have swung exclusive contracts for their companies to extract it.
Anyway, SykoNurse would you please merge this with, oh say the questions about the Great War thread?