event = {
id = 410820
random = no
country = CRD
name = "Cordoba's claim on the Baleares"
desc = "The Almohads conquered the Baleares in 1202 in the days of Caliph Al-Nasir. The islands had been a feud of the Almoravid family of the Banu Ganiya, who had prosperous commercial ties with a number of countries in Southern Italy. The island contained a great many Muslims of Andalusian background, and the island been part of the Ummayed Caliphate for a while. Cordoba's claim on the island was accepted by most muslim countries, except for the Sultanate of Tlemscen, which considered the Belearic islands part of her legitimate inheritance of her Almohadi past."
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1480 }
offset = 90
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1500 }
action_b ={
name = "Push our claim"
command = { type = relation which = GEN value = -25 }
command = { type = relation which = SIC value = -25 }
command = { type = addcore which = 821 }
command = { type = relation which = ALD value = -100 }
command = { type = naval value = 250 }
command = { type = ADM which = -1 value = 60 }
command = { type = MIL which = -1 value = 60 }
command = { type = transports which = -1 value = 5 }
command = { type = cash value = -75 }
action_c ={
name = "No, it is not worth it"
command = { type = relation which = ALD value = 75 }
command = { type = relation which = GEN value = 25 }
command = { type = relation which = SIC value = 25 }
event = {
id = 410751
random = no
country = CRD
trigger = {
NOT = { owned = { province = 821 data = -1 } }
NOT = { owned = { province = 821 data = ALM } }
atwar = no
stability = 0
ai = no #ai version below
name = "Cordoba's claim on the Baleares"
desc = "The Almohads conquered the Baleares in 1202 in the days of Caliph Al-Nasir. The islands had been a feud of the Almoravid family of the Banu Ganiya, who had prosperous commercial ties with a couple of countries in Southern Italy. The island contained a great number of Muslims of Andalusian background, and had been part of the Ummayed Caliphate for a while. Cordoba's claims on the island was considered valid by most except the Sultanate of Tlemscen, which considered the Belearic islands part of her legitimate inheritance of her Almohadi past."
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1480 }
offset = 90
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1500 }
action_a ={
name = "Prepare for war"
command = { type = relation which = GEN value = -25 }
command = { type = relation which = SIC value = -25 }
command = { type = addcore which = 821 }
command = { type = relation which = ALD value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = NAF value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = BEA value = -100 }
command = { type = badboy value = 1 }
command = { type = cash value = -75 }
action_b ={
name = "No, it is not worth it"
command = { type = relation which = ALD value = 75 }
command = { type = relation which = GEN value = 25 }
command = { type = relation which = SIC value = 25 }