VII) A People Triumphant
The Agora, City of Lyktos, Lyctus, Crete
Lyktos following the successful Ierapetran siege was a place of jubilation. The near 10,000 victorious troops filled the streets in a celebration particular to men who find themselves drinking wine for which no payment is needed and in the company of women whom their wives will never meet. Ribald songs were sung, bonds were made and bonds were strengthened and all lavished praised thanks on General Leonidas who had won them victory.
Two men stood apart from the main celebration ongoing in the agora.
“The bugler.” Mirthfully roared the epistrategos as he turned to his friend “They call him the bugler.” He laughed and raised a cup of wine to his lips.
“A name well earned Antigonos.” Diodotos draped his left arm around the others shoulder before raising the right towards the horizon. “You did not see him.” His eyes stared thoughtfully into the distance, arm drawing slowly in an expansive gesture. “You did not see him, limned in light, a Goliath calling our men onward towards victory.”
“Nay” Snorted Diodotos slapping Antigonos on the back. “He fell, lost his footing on the scree and rolled to the bottom. Fell like a turd from Zeus.” The man snorted and snatched the cup from Antigonos’ hand. “That Gods awful pipe was stuck to his lips, hooting like some dying owl all the way down.”
Antigonos chuckled wiping his eyes with his chlamys “Still, he led them well I hear.”
“That he did, in truth with our superior numbers tactics meant little but he chased them down like a wolf would a lame goat” He offered back the cup. “That being said there are some who may have held back from the slaughter, no doubt leading to a longer siege.”
Antigonos sighed as he returned his gaze to the celebrations. “Speaking of which has the Basileus walked amongst the men? Congratulated Leonidas?”
“No, he headed straight for the temple.” He pointed off to the west. “Asked they bring the Arc…” he caught himself mid sentence “… the old archon.”
Antigonos looked at his cup in puzzlement before tipping and shaking it, empty. “Pah… Let us focus on victory and hope that it whets the appetites of our esteemed ruler.” He smiled, his complexion ruddy through wine, and vigorously ruffled Diodotos’ hair. “Come let us find my nephew.” He pulled Diototos away towards the celebrations. “Ha, The Bugler!! Should've heard the boy fart as a child, Bugler indeed.”
They walked away, a slight weave in their step.
Temple of Zeus, City of Lyktos, Lyctus, Crete
The sound of the festivities, from inside of the temple, was but a low rumble. The air was cool with a sharp metallic scent that still lingered, long after the neck of the sacrificial bull had been opened. A death that ultimately served no purpose.
Basileus Alkimos sat on a low wooden bench looking up at a roughly hewn marble likeness of Zeus. At the rear of the small stone temple stood his archisomatophylax Nikeratos Helladid, almost a statue a himself.
A pounding on the door roused the Basileus causing him to jump to his feet, he spun, eyes flicking towards Nikeratos then to the door. His right hand hidden beneath his clamys tightened.
The door opened and framed two men, one a soldier of Ierapetra the other Simonides Dydid defeated Archon of Lyctus.
“Basileus, I’ve brought him as you asked.” Said the soldier as he roughly pushed the prisoner across the threshold, himself following close behind. They walked the centre towards the Basileus, both stealing a glance at Nikeratos as they passed him in his shadowy alcove. “Chained by the feet and hands Basileus, not that he’s any danger.” He scowled at the prisoner before holding out a key which was taken by the Basileus.
“You may leave soldier and you too Nikeratos.” The archisomatophylax’s eyes flashed in the dark as he regarded the prisoner and the Basileus. Seemingly satisfied there was a barely perceptible nod from him before he stalked from the temple followed by the soldier who closed the door with a creak and a bang.
“I find myself at your mercy Basileus.” Croaked Simonides through dry cracked lips. “Congratulations on your victory, if I or my family can help with the transition…” The chains on his wrists rattled noisily.
“Pigs.” Hissed the Basileus as he turned from the prisoner, eyes settling again on the statue of Zeus.
A pained expression fell across Simonides’ face “I do not understand.”
“When my epiproxenos graciously asked you to cede us the Dikteon Cave.” He turned his head to the left, back still to the prisoner. “You declined.” His face turned away. “You said I am descended from pigs.”
An anxiety came over Simonides. “Words, Basileus.” He started to take a step forwards but reconsidered. “Nothing but words.”
The Basileus laughed a light breathless laugh. “Father Zeus, what should I do with this man?” He turned to face Simonides. “With his family?”
Simonides’ eyes widened and he offered his hands in supplication. “Basileus, please…”
“Shhhhh.” Hissed the Basileus as he slowly approached. “Why should I spare you Archon?” A smile played across his lips.
“Basileus I can help you, you are not a man of war, of violence, you are …”
“A coward?” Snapped the Basileus.
“That is not what…” Simonides was silenced with a look.
The Basileus threw a key to the ground in front of Simonides. “War is not what I wanted, it is not my nature that is true.” He nodded to the key. “You are free Simonides unlock your chains” He said loudly, watching as the prisoner knelt and retrieved the key. After a number of fumbling seconds the chains fell to the ground and Simonides smiled rubbing his red wrists.
“Thanks eternal Basileus” said Simonides smiling as the Basileus approached, wrapping his left arm around him in an embrace, head resting on his shoulder.
“But I cannot be seen as a coward.” Whispered the Basileus into Simonides ear. Feeling him attempt to pull away, the Basileus tightened his grip. His right arm shot out from under the chlamys, metal flashing like lightning in the dark.
Before he could cry out or utter a word a knife plunged into Simonides neck, hilt deep, flat of the blade scraping across his spine. Thick red blood surged from the wound as the knife plunged in and out with a ravenous fury. Adrenaline raced through the Basileus’ body causing his breathing to become rapid and shallow, eyes wide and burning with maniacal frenzy.
But seconds did the assault last before the Basileus’ body railed against the horror, depleted he fell forward, the savaged body of Simonides a cushion between him and the ground. Lucidity hit him hard as he took in the blood, pooling like a sea around him, pink froth coating the mouth of a head attached by threads of meat so tenuously to its lifeless body that it was almost detached.
He coughed and followed it with a dry heave, eyes streaming but unable to close, unable to turn-away from the heads empty gaze.
He screamed, a primal piercing scream, screamed like a child.
As he did he tried to stand using his hands to push himself up but they slipped out beneath him causing him to roll sideways, the cooling blood soaking through the fabric of this clothes.
The door swung open, rattling at the hinges, footsteps hurried down “BASILEUS!!” They screamed.
Faces appeared above him, he knew not who they were, nor did he care.
“Tried…” His words almost lost between racking sobs. “Tried to kill me…”
More footsteps, more voices.
“Kill his family. Kill them all.”
Darkness crept in at the periphery of his sight, blackness stole his vision as it also settled over his mind.
“Try and find a Archiatros amongst these bastards.” Was the last thing he heard before he lost consciousness.