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4 Badges
Dec 2, 2022
  • Imperator: Rome
  • Imperator: Rome - Magna Graecia
  • Crusader Kings III
  • Crusader Kings III: Royal Edition


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De jure CB war not correctly generating ticking war score


In my current campaign I have fought a few wars using the de jure territory CB and after occupying all the counties in the de jure territory (i.e. the war goal), the ticking war score has continued to benefit the defender.

I have uploaded a screenshot of an AI war where this clearly happened. The AI attacker's de jure war goal is the county of Kusumi, which it has held for around a year at this point in the war, but the AI defender is still getting the ticking war score as if it controls the war goal.

Steps to reproduce​

1. Declare war using a de jure territory CB
2. Completely occupy the de jure territory
3. Wait an amount of time that would be sufficient to start the ticking war score in your favor.
4. Check the ticking war score.

Game Version​




Additional Information​

Affected Feature​

  • Gameplay

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Other Attachments​

Screenshot of AI war.png

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It looks like that it's just taking a very long time for the ticking war score to kick in/reverse. I just checked back in on the war from which I posted the screenshot in my OP and the defender AI has retaken the county war goal, but the war score is still ticking for the attacker as if it still controls it.