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Hey there, Potato here!

I'm having some trouble reproducing your issue on my end. Could you please attach the save you're trying to load as well as images of your exact DLC setup (what DLCs you have and which ones are active in the launcher) so I can have a closer look? Additionally, are you using any mods at all with the save?
Hmm, this is a very interesting issue.
There is one thing you could try though. Go to C:\Users\<user.name>\Documents\Paradox Interactive\ and rename the Crusader Kings III Folder (do not delete it, just to keep your saves intact). Then launch the game with all DLCs enabled (and without mods) and see if the game recognizes them then. This will make the game generate a new CK3 folder, where you can then drag and drop your save files for continuation.

If that also doesn't do anything, could you then open the C:\Users\<user.name>\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\ and attach the "dlc_load.json" file in a reply. This would allow us to check if the game is recognizing the DLCs as enabled from the launcher. You can view it yourself by opening the file with any text editor and see what mods are enabled as well as what DLCs are enabled.
Alright, let's try one more thing.
I would like you to nuke the game from your PC. Uninstall the game, remove the Crusader Kings III folder completely from your documents folder, and delete the Paradox Launcher with its folders as well. Basically, completely wipe the game and launcher folders from your PC, and when there are no residual files left, then you can try a reinstall and see if the DLCs activate on the latest update available.
If that does not work, I strongly encourage you to make a bug report in the tech support forum, found with this link:
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